Drug Test for Crystal Meth?!

Question: We have an employee we think is using crystal meth, but he also takes a prescription medication for anxiety, can a drug test separate the crystal meth from the prescription drug?

Answers: We have an employee we think is using crystal meth, but he also takes a prescription medication for anxiety, can a drug test separate the crystal meth from the prescription drug?

There are several things that can bring about a false positive, and it just depends on what he is taking for anxiety:
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine
(Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc)
Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil
Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim)
Over-the-counter nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin)
Asthma medications (Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets)
Prescription medications (Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone,
...phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine,
...dexdenfluramine,Redux, mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine,
... amineptine, Pholedrine, hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex,
...fenproyorex, mefenorex, fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin,
...pemoline, Cylert, selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone)
Kidney infection, kidney disease
Liver disease, diabetes

If you are going to test your employee, I would recomend sending them to your nearest testing facility, and not doing it yourself....
Check out this link for meth drug testing; it may also point you in the direction of your nearest facility. (just scroll down a little and you'll see the Methamphetamine Drug Testing facts in the middle of page)



just watch his teeth..if they begin to disappear...crystal meth

you have to be carefull in that because he can sue the company
if hes clean for indiscriminating his behavior, looks whatever it is that is making you believe this, but any ways yes they can do do drug test for that

Yes it tests separately.

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