Chewing tobacco question?!

Question: Chewing tobacco question!?
Ok, first off, I dont want ppl commenting saying I need to quit etc!.!.!.I know the health risks!.!.!.!.

Anyway, first question is what's the difference between straight and natural flavors!?

Also, does grizzly straight have more nicotine han grizzly mint, or does all grizzly have the same nicotine content!?


Well, I'm guessing you mean in regards to dental health since your question is in the "dental" category!. To answer your question, flavored chew has a lot of sugar in it (natural does too but not near like the flavored stuff) which can cause cavaties easily, especially on root surfaces that are exposed (since chew makes your gum receed back exposing root surfaces) because root surfaces are softer than enamel and more likely to rot out first!. Make sure whatever chew you pick, that you are moving it around frequently!. Don't put it in the same spot every time!. (i!.e!. put it in front for one dip, then put it on the right side the next time you chew, and so on!. This help prevent that white tissue that can turn into oral cancer from building up and so you dont cause too much damage in one area)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Either way they're both bad!. Not to mention unattractive!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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