Should a new retainer be this painful?!

Question: Should a new retainer be this painful!?
I just got my upper braces off and got a plastic Essix retainer that I must wear 24/7!.!.!. but it was super tight when my ortho put it in and it was hard to take off!. Hours later when I was taking it off to eat, I literally screamed of pain!. :( Is it supposed to hurt THAT bad!?!?

The pain also kept me up at night, which neither the invisalign nor braces did to me before!.!.!. I called my ortho today and they said call on Monday if it's still bad (but that's in 4 days!!), but it didn't hurt this bad when I got my bottom retainers!.!.!. why would these hurt if they are *retaining* and not *moving* my teeth!?

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated!Www@Answer-Health@Com

The essix retainer should fit like a glove and should not hurt at all!. The impression could have been skewed!.
They certainly need adjusted!. The dentist will most assuredly adjust them or take a new impression on Monday for you!.
Call the orthodontist right now and mention that you think that the retainer is making your teeth crooked and see how fast they get you in!.

Let me know-really, I am interested-e-mail me-I work at a dentistWww@Answer-Health@Com

It will hurt for 3-4 days and you will be comfortable!. As such you are going to Orthodontist on Monday, if needed he will loosen it a bit but in my opinion you should be comfortable by that time!. If you cannot bear pain then you can take painkiller tablet!. For more information on this you can read the following very informative article from a dental website

You also use their free dental consultation service for answers from dentist

Well I have been there before and it does hurt a lot and its supposed to because your mouth is not yet used too believe I had to wear mine for months before the pain actually went away but as advice from experience don't take it off and leave it off a month because I did that and know I have to relive the pain all over again!. Hope I was of some help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sometimes retainers are used after braces to continue the straighteing process so yes the retainer may hurt just like the braces but it will ease as your teeth move into place, sorry its gonna suck for a bit, just don't give up on it or your teeth will shift and become crooked again, I've seen it happen to my friendWww@Answer-Health@Com

Often the retainer is tight even if it's for after your braces are off!. Hopefully your teeth will adjust to your retainer and it won't hurt that badly!. Till then, just eat soft foods (oatmeal, apple sauce, etc!.) so that you're already-sore teeth won't have more reason to hurt! Good luck and hang in there!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It will most likely feel much better in the morning, it just needs time to settle everything in place!. Maybe you could have some non prescription drug to help he pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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