Im scared of the dentist really badly =[ help?!

Question: Im scared of the dentist really badly =[ help!?
hey - at 2!.00pm today im going to the dentist and im freaking out about it! we have a new dentist and I really hope she is nice, but im just really scared about what she will do to my teeth, and weather it will hurt! i really want her to be nice! =[ I just have a really big fear and I wanted some advice on how to calm myself before I go in, and how to stay calm and relaxed while she is checking my teeth!. thank you!!! xWww@Answer-Health@Com

HI!. First of all try to relax!. I totally have the same feelings about going to the dentist, but the funny thing with me is I work with the dentist (lmao) and I still have fears!. Make sure when you get into the chair you tell your new dentist your concerns!. He or she will be very accommodating to your fears!. Try to remember that your dentist does not want to hurt you!. If you are just getting a check up all she'll do is look into your mouth with a mouth mirror and a dental tool called an explorer!. You'll probably get x-rays which can be a little uncomfortable due to sensor you'll have to have in your mouth!. Unless you have already been diagnosed with a cavity you probably won't have much more done today, besides a cleaning!. I want you to realize how important your dental health is to your general health!. The health of your mouth can effect every where in your body including your heart!. Make sure you practice good preventive measures so you will minimize the possibilities of having work done on your teeth!. This includes daily flossing and brushing your teeth at least twice a day!. Use an antimicrobial tooth paste such as Colgate Total and also an anti cavity rinse!. is good!. The more you put into your daily care of your mouth the less time you'll spend in the dentists chair!.
You'll be fine good luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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