HELP!!! Just got braces what should i do??!

Question: HELP!!! Just got braces what should i do!?!?
PLEASE!! I am in soo much pain!! I need advice!! tips anything!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

R E L A X!!!
i know the pain!.!.!. been through it myself!
try taking a mild pain killer and sleeping for a while!
eat nothing hard!.!.!. yogurt and soups for some days!.!.!.
brush your teeth carefully to avoid making your gums weak and bleed!
do not have extreme cold/hot drinks!
other than that!.!.!. good luck hun!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I totally understand how you feel!. Less than a year ago i got braces myself, i remember thinking i would never be able to eat again!. Did you get both bottom and top put on the same day!? most people only get one or the other on the first day, i got both on the same day so the pain was very bad!. Try taking some ibuprofen, that usually worked for me, the pain didn't comletely go away, but i did feel a bit of relief!. it's gonna take a few days, but you will get use to it and the pain will go away!. i know it's hard, but try to be patient!. I hope this helps!. best of luck (:Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok i got my braces on yesterday!. trust me i know how u feel!. but one of my brackets poped off!. anyways just stick to soft foods and drink slushies and stuff!. and take advil!!! and when u go to bed take it cuz thats when ur teeth move most!. ok!?

eat lots of soft foods, and cold foods!. ice cream really helped me when i first got my braces!. the cold seems to numb the pain!. apple sauce is really good too!. also use wax to stop from blistering!. GOOD LUCK!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tylenol couldn't hurt!.
My son has been eating soup and ice cream!. I think the hot and the cold help ease the pain!.
Hang in there! Every day you'll notice it gets a bit better!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

avoid any hard food
avoid eating gum
avoid eating candy/chocolate
brush 3 times a day
floss after you eat

does your teeth seem weak and hurt when you eat!? dont worry, it won't happen after a few wksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Smile Smile & Smileeeeeeeeeeeee Www@Answer-Health@Com


Honey, pop a pain pill! Didn't they give you any when you had them put on!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

take pain killers but you will get used to it just like how i did!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Grin and bear it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

wax will be your bestfriend!.!.!.use a lot of it and take motrin or advil!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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