Removal of wisdom teeth?!

Question: Removal of wisdom teeth!?
I'm having my wisdom teeth(4) removed next month on a Friday afternoon!. Should I take the Monday off from work for extra recovery time!? I don't have a sedentary job!. Also, any tips or experiences!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, for me personally, I was stuck in bed for at least a week!. Maybe more!.

This was due to the pain killers they gave me!. The time spent in bed is all a blur now because the meds they gave me would knock me out instantly!. When the dose wore off, I'd wake up and eat something soft, then take my next dose and get knocked out again!. This was especially true for the first couple days while I was really recovering!.

I would recommend taking Monday off if you can afford it!. If you wake up on Monday and feel pretty great, you can always go to work anyway, but if you go ahead and ask for the day off now, then you'll have that option if you really need it!.

Most offices require someone to pick you up since you'll still be pretty sedated from the surgery!. Whoever picks you up, ask them to bring a small trashcan or something similar because most people vomit as they wake up from the surgery, and it might not be right away!. I didn't vomit until I was back home in bed!. But I was lucky to have my mom nearby with a bag because I didn't even realize I was vomiting until it was over since I was still so groggy!.

If you're not sure what to eat other than soup, you could try mashed potatoes as well!. You can get those easy-mix packets with different flavors!. Ice cream, popsicles, Jello and pudding are also good snacks when you're in pain!. And don't forget to drink plenty of water to make up for all the meds you'll be taking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depends on how complicated a removal it is!. And also what yoru pain tolerance is!. That varies very widely by person!.

I had very severely impacted wisdom teeth and it probably took 45 minutes to an hour to take each one out!. If your case is not so bad it will probably take a small fraction of that time and cause a small fraction of that pain and damage!. I am guessing your case is simpler because otherwise they would not do 4 at a shot!. All things considered, my guess is that the weekend should be plenty of time for healing and you won't need to take Monday off!. The bleeding will definitely have stopped long before that!. Probably avoid hot and spicy food on Monday and keep to that until you feel confident you can handle it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you can take off, you probably should!.
Be very careful to do exactly as directed afterwards!. You don't say whether the teeth are above or below the gum, but either way you need to protect the clots that form!.

A critical mistake would be anything with a sucking action--drinking from a straw and smoking are two HUGE no-nos, because that can dislodge the clot, and cause a painful condition called dry socket!. I had it once--OW OW OW!

Good luck, and be brave--it will all be over in no time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you should definately take off!. I just got mine out Friday, July 11th,08, and i'm still in extreme pain, you won't feel up to date until about 4-5 days after!. So yes!. Try to take off! Also when you do get them taken out, ice packs help, along with salt rinses,and get lots of rest, and IF YOU ARE A SMOKER, don't smoke, or try not to, because people who do smoke, get dry sockets, and its very painful!. Hope I helped!?!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had gotten two molars and two baby teeth pulled and I just went back to school the same day!. My mouth was swollen and there wasn't really anything else to it! A tip would definitely be to call your dentist and ask if it's safe to bring Advil to take before the surgery!. The Advil helps a lot for sure! Also don't worry you have nothing to worry about! I hope I helped! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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