When you have braces...is it difficult to eat?!

Question: When you have braces!.!.!.is it difficult to eat!?
Hi im getting braces and im just wondering!.!.!.!.is it difficult 2 eat!? What do you have to eat!? I know its soft food but what like!? And does it get stuck in your teeth!?

& anything you can tell me about how to look after your braces!.

Thank you!! I really want to find out!.


Hi, it is difficult for about a week after you get them but then you get used to them and you can eat about anything!. I was stuck on mashed potatoes and baked potatoes for that week!. Yeah sometimes food gets stuck in your teeth, but make sure you carry around a mirror in your purse so you can see if you have anything stuck in them!.
Good Luck! If you have anymore questions feel free to email me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you just get them and they tighten them once a month your teeth will hurt when you bite down!. Not like crazy i'm gonna die pain, the level of pain is like popping a pimple or less!. The brackets are glued to ur teeth, so dont bite into anything that may shear off the brackets, like whole apples, hard candy!. just be careful!. It's worth it in the endWww@Answer-Health@Com

Buy sugarless gum and chew because you won't be able to hold the pain!. I have had braces for a year and a half and everytime I chew gum when they tighten it, the pain would go in 1-2 days!. Without gum, it would last about a week and a half!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the first couple days it hurts badly but after that its fine, but it's imabressing when you get food stuck in them and don't relizeWww@Answer-Health@Com

You will have to get used to them, and keep everything clean!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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