My fianc!

Question: My fianc
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!!
Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !!
His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!!
The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)!
There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!!
If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tell him that you love him and that you just care about his teeth and want him to take good care of them so he will keep them for a long time!. If he doesn't take care of them he will have more troubles in the years ahead meaning getting dentures and other health problems like heart problems!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

keep telling him if he really loves you he'll do it to make you happyWww@Answer-Health@Com

if he really doesnt want to go to a dentist, dont force him
its obviously an issue with him about his teeth
and why do you care about his looks anyways if you love the guy then you love him!.
if he has no hair or teeth, is he not the guy you love!?
"I've been pressuring him to get his teeth cleaned before the wedding" well heres a clue, stop pressuring him
"he avoids the topic, or tries to make me feel bad for reminding him he has bad teeth"
then stop reminding him
i mean it really is a confidence boost to be told "your teeth are very yellow and terrible"

it sounds harsh and i know you care, but if its such an issue with him and it really bothers him then its best to drop it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tell him that if he dosen't get his teeth fixed he could give you a nasty vaginal infection on your honeymoon when he goes down on you!. Who likes vaginal infections!? Who could live without getting oral!? My boyfriend had nasty teeth and it took me getting a serious infection for him to get them fixed!. He still has to brush his teeth before he goes down!. Don't let him get away with not going down on you, make his fix those nasty chompers! Ask his what is more embarassing, going to the dentist or going to the doc because your vag is oozing green stuff because your boyfriends mouth is full of disgusting bacteria!.!.!.!? Ew, I know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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