Do i have dry socket?!

Question: Do i have dry socket!?
i just got a lower back tooth pulled yesturday not a wisdom i believe he said it was a molar anyways he gave me a sheet of intructions to avoid dry socket i followed all but the smoking part i had 3 cigarettes yesturday verses my whole pack well i wouldnt smoke w!.o a gauze over it and id barely get any nicoteine because i was too scared too suck n too hard anyways my jaw feel like its gotten knocked out of place or punched really hard is really sore and its a bit achy my gums are very sore as well and its worse then it was yesturday the swellings went down a lil but not completely and i looked at my tooth the clot that was there isnt there anymore all i see is white maybe the bone!? and im wondering if this is dry socket
only mature answers pleaseWww@Answer-Health@Com

dry socket is excruciating!!.!.the fact that the swelling has gone down a bit, and that it hurts is normal, it is a painful procedure, i just had 3 done and had similar fears to yours!. i got the same paper, and didn't stop smoking! (bad girl)!.!.you seem to be following all the other points!.!.so don't worry!.!.if it was dry socket, you wouln't be on line, you'd be at your dentist's, begging for morphine(even that won't kill that kind of pain!), and he would probably flush it with saline, put strong pressure on it for 5-10 minutes, (after suctioning it, which may create another clot)!.!.and then they may put a gelatine, web like dressing on it, that stops bleeding and has an antibiotic in it!. i was put on antibiotics and ibprofen(an anti-inflamatory!.!.if your not on one, i suggest you buy some or advil!.!.ask your dentist!.!.in fact phone hime about this period! perhaps your reluctant too, because of the 3 cigarettes!(not a big deal, it causes vasoconstriction and decreases the oxygen supply to the area), but i was told(and this was on the 5th day), that it should be fine, put some cold compresses on it(this made it worse for me), and that it is normal to be painful for 4-5 days(too bad they don't say so at the beginning!)!.!.!.i went to emerg yesterday, they gave me painkillers, and the anti-inflamatory celebrex!.!.just going on the anti-inflamatory alone may help the discomfort!.!.but considering you had this done just yesterday, your right on schedule, and if it feels like you were punched and have a constant throbbing, achey pain, i'm afraid that's part of the package!. i researched it all for myself, that's how i know, along with phoning my dentist!. i have sutures that need to be removed in 10 days, but now on the 6th day, if the pain keeps increasing, i will be in his office tut'sweet!(immediately!)!.!.so sorry for your suffering!.!.on one search it said that tooth pulling used to be used as a form of torture to get a confession! i would stay in touch with your dentist and/or dental assistant daily if you are conscerned!. but you sound like your doing fine considering what they did to you, it is very traumatic to you jaw, the bone underneath and surrounding tissue, and after the blood clot is reabsorbed(5-7 days), it has to fill in with new granulation tissue and bone!.!.so it's not a fast healing process!. good luck

I got a tooth out last year although it was a wisdom tooth and I thought I had dry socket also, I was in soo much pain but it went away after a few days and I dont think dry socket would've, your jaw is bound to be sore having just had a tooth ripped out of it, if you are still having problems after 3 days or so I would get it looked at until then just take painkillers!Www@Answer-Health@Com

if it is a throbbing pain then it may be a dry socket, but it sounds like it is to early to tell!. I got a dry socket about 3 days after my teeth were pulled!. The first fews days I was in pain but I was on painkillers!. But with the dry socket the pain killers did not touch that!. I hope you dont have one, because they really do hurt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am no expert but it sounds like one to me - especially if you have lost the blood clot!.
I had a dry socket recently and it was agony!!!!
Apparently the dentist told me they are more frequent in females and on lower teeth!?!?!? Dont ask me why!!!!
If I were you I would call your dentist and have them take a look!
Hope it feels and gets better soon!Www@Answer-Health@Com

it could possibly be dry socket because you aren't suppose to suck, spit or do anything that would possibly pull the clot of the tooth if the pain continue i would suggest you call your dentist and have them take a look at it rather be safe than sorryWww@Answer-Health@Com

Most likely not a dry socket!. It takes 3-4 days for one to experience dry socket symptoms!.

The white coloring could be food or sloughing off of tissues!.

You could start rinsing with warm salt water now and place some warm (heat) in the area of extraction!. You want to keep the area clean as possible and refrain from smoking as long as possible because nicotine will slow down the healing process!.

Of course, the best way to determine what is going on is to go see the dentist who did extraction!.

Hope this helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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