I'm getting braces soon, and i'm really nervous, I NEED TIPS! HELP ME!?!

Question: I'm getting braces soon, and i'm really nervous, I NEED TIPS! HELP ME!!?
I am 15, I need to have braces for 18 months, i have to wear rubber bands on the left but i'm really scared!. Can anybody give me some good tips about what to eat, what NOT TO DO when you have braces, and just tips and tricks to keep them healthy! Thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh my! First of all, congratz! I know braces are a tough decision, but think of the wonderful smile afterwards! It's effing awesome! Anyways!.

When I first got my braces, I was nervous about everything! First they're going to take impressions of your jaw by putting some mold on your teeth!. Cold, but okay!. Then they'll take some pictures- remember to look nice! Oh yeah, and x-rays!

Then, the faithful day! We get ze braces on! First, they'll put on the metal bands at the back of your teeth, on you molars!. This is the worst part of it, sorry!. =/ First, they'll put on the bands, then take them off!. Then put them on again!. You're going to bite on an instrument which pushes up the bands!. Don't be scared!. It doesn't hurt that much!.

Then, they glue on the brackets!. This is byfar the easiest thing in the world!. Sit still, and let them do the work!.

After that, they'll ask you what colour of rubber bands you want!. I started with light blue and light purple!. Not too noticable, yet funky! Choose whatever colours you like, though!. This might hurt a bit if you have low pain tolerance!. They'll wind the bands around the brackets using pliers!. They do this every adjustment, as well!.

Then, they'll stick in the wires!. Remember to tell them if something sticks out and pokes you! The orthodontist can do much more than wax!. You'll probably start with a flimsy wire, so don't worry if it seems loose or floppy!. You'll move up to stronger wires soon!.

Voila! You're done! You have wonderful, shiny braces on, which will stick with you for two whole years!

Now is the worst! The pain is SO effing bad! It does hurt like hell the first days!.Take advil, lots of advil, and soft foods like soup, jello, ice cream, cereal, tuna, very soft bread, mashed potatoes, and such!. After a while the pain will dim!.

Brushing your teeth will take much longer! I brush my teeth first with Vitality, then a manual brush, then a special brush for between the braces, and mouthwash! Woohoo! Oral hygiene is important!.

While you have braces, you're going to avoid caramels, corn on the cob, a full apple or such (SLICES ONLY!) and other sticky stuff!. I always chew gum though! It gets stuck in your braces once in a blue moon (or is it NEW moon!?) and usually only a tiny winy weeny bit that you can rinse out!.

Never chew on stuff like pencils, any metal wood, in other words, STICK TO THE EDIBLE STUFF! Don't suck your thumb either!

Adjusments are short, and usually consist of changing the wires and rubber bands!. It takes 5-10 minutes!. Yay!

In other words, braces AREN'T scary!. They're just another pain in the derriere! =D

Good luck! I hope you have fun!


P!.S!. That took a while to write! Phew!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey, at first braces can make your jaws very very sore and you will have to eat very soft foods!. You should take a medicine like Advil or Tylenol (ask the orthodontist what to take) to help with the soreness!.
Read the info about brushing and flossing with braces that the orthodontist will give you!. It's very important to brush well each day and to floss the way the orthodontist shows you often to keep your mouth healthy!.
You will have to avoid eating very hard foods that could break the wires and brackets!.!.!.!.things like hard candy, pretzels, carrots, and very sticky foods can be bad!. If you are super careful, you may be able to eat these things, but not until your mouth stops hurting anyway!.!.!.!.
Ask the orthodontist any questions you have and don't worry!. Braces can be annoying, but they look really neat and they aren't like horrible or anything!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

to avoid any trouble, you should avoid gum and any overly sticky foods (caramel) It is also uncomfortable to have corn on the cob or popcorn!. Mainly they cause discomfort and make it difficult to clean your teeth!. A water pik machine assists in keeping food particles out btwn the braces!. Take smaller bites at first until you get use to them!. You should change your rubber bands out as often as suggested by the doctor (in my case is was daily)!. Wax or an old fashion septic pencil helps your lips with the discomfort or poking of the braces on your lips!. The time flies quickly!. Be prepared to eat only liquid foods after every adjustment appointment due to the pain!. Good luck I hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey! I am getting braces TOMMORROW!!!!! I am kinda nervous but almost all of my friends have had them and they say it dosn't hurt that much!. From what I have heard, it hurts for like a week after you geet them and then it goes away!. I am going to eat soup, ice cream, smoothies, milkshakes, oatmeal, and soft things like that!. You are not supposed to eat gum and chewy candy but most of my friends still do!. I know you have to floss and brush really well because if you don't, when you get them off, there will be spots left where they were!. I have to have them for 16 months so wish me luck! Color wise, I am gettting fun summer colors like pink and orange!. Silver is good!. DO NOT get yellow white or really light colors because food will show!. Don't get the clear braces for the same reason!. Let me know how it goes! Try this site for tips and recipes to eat with braces!.
BTW- Don't let other Answers people scare you by saying things like "They hurt like hell!" i don't think it will!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i just had my braces off today!. I never had any breaks and my teeth came out perfect in the end!. I never changed my diet, didn't avoid certain foods or anything, continued to eat toffee etc, just haven't had an apple in years!. Avoid things you really have to dig your teeth into otherwise it might be quite painful, like carrots, apples etc!. But don't be scared, braces are overly exaggerated!. They will hurt for a few days after they are tightened each time, but this goes quickly and isn't that bad!. Get a thin brush, not sure what they're called but your orthodontist will probably recommend one to you anyway, just to get things out of your teeth when you clean them!. Rubber bands are fun cos u can flick them at people once you get the hang of it!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No sticky or extremely hard food, like gum and Swedish fish, no popcorn!. Also, it may feel weird for the first few days, but you should get used to it!. Keep the braces clean, too!. It is too bad you can't get Damon system braces!. No tightening, elastics not always needed, but not unusual to get with heavier wires!. Damons are small, and look line silver caps!. Even tyhough I got them today, I feel fine!. Just minor discomfort!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your orthodontist will explain all of this to you!. Basically, don't eat anything sticky like gum or taffy!. You will probably get a list of foods to avoid!.

Make sure you brush after every meal!. Don't use whitening toothpast!. Floss each day!.

There's nothing to worry about!. Millions of people have or have had braces (myself included)!. You'll get use to them in a couple of days and it won't be a big deal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you shouldn't eat:
Gum (trust me it has AWFUL effects!)
toffee (can snap the brace)
fizzy drinks
anything really hard or chewy that will get stuk behind the brace!.
!.!.!. i know it dusnt sound gd but on the bright side you couold get your braces painted whatever colour you want for free usually!. (:Www@Answer-Health@Com

it may hurt hte first 2 weeks i ate oatmel only!!!!!!! you should eat yogurt, jello, outmeal, ice cream, and pudding- basically anything that is soft!!
don't play with your wires or eat popcorn or chips!or gum- it happened to my retaner!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dont eat gum, caramel, or anything else sticky!. Also don't eat hard stuff, like hard candy!. Corn on the cob usually isn't recommended either!. The orthodontist should give you a rundown on what to stay away fromWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well I had my braces for 3 years, they will tell you what you should or should not do when you get to your orthodontis, basically no chewing gum, doritos, pretzels, which can break the wires and stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you'll be fine!. you can eat whatever you like as long as its not uncomfortable!. don't eat anything super sticky though 'cause you could pull the brackets off - like gum or candy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The dentist will show you how to brush them!. If he doesn't ask his assistant!. You won't be able to eat hard or chewy foods, if I remember correctly!. Braces will help your smile, just take care of them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well they say you cant chew gum(which isnt true) and you cant eat all this suff(which isnt true either)!.!.!.!.you can do pretty much whatever you want!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

don't smush your face up trying to hide them, people who smile look better than people who don't even if they are wearing braces!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

always carry chap stick and a mirror
keep away from hard and sticky food and zucchiniWww@Answer-Health@Com

they hurt
not at first about 2-3 days into it
eat soft thingsWww@Answer-Health@Com

just make sure the doctor gives you plenty of scripts for some good pills!Www@Answer-Health@Com

um okay braces were never a problem for meWww@Answer-Health@Com

do not chew chewing gum because it gets stuck trust me
did it !!Www@Answer-Health@Com

no sweets but i heard getting braces hurts like hell too!! man i wish you all the best!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

gum chewy food!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. corn on the cob!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.hard candy!. brush after each meal!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.i have braces n i kno how u feelWww@Answer-Health@Com

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