Braces Questions?? [[URGENT]]?!

Question: Braces Questions!?!? [[URGENT]]!?
ok so im getting braces tomorrow
and one of my friends who has them said that you cant drink soda for a few weeks cause something about gold will rust and it ill hurt

and here is a classic!.!.!.!.!.no gum!!
i cant live w/o my precious gum!.!.!.!.!.

and what are some good hints that i should know !.!.!.!.!.!.!.like is it going to hurt when they put it on

Thanks :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Gum is OK as long as it's sugar free!. Soda is OK but make sure and brush your teeth frequently, like 3 times a day for sure!
I'm currently in my 3rd round of braces (5th/6th grade, soph/jr in high school and now that I'm grown and almost 30!) so I've definitely been there and done that - all of that! Yes, they will hurt!. It doesn't hurt when they put them on, not like when they drill at the dentist or anything but for about a week afterward your teeth will be really sore!. Your instinct will be to only eat soft foods at that point but the more you make yourself eat more solid type foods, the faster the pain will go away!. Also, make sure to have the wax with you for the first few weeks, you'll need it at weird times!.
Don't be worried, they're not that big of a deal!. Also, have fun with them - get the colored bands! (mine are purple right now!)
Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well they don't hurt when there putting them on it hurts after since the braces are tightening your teeth it hurts when u eat i didn't eat like for a week!.!. and the dentist does tell u not to eat some stuff because u can brake a bracket or something but i ate everything like soda, apples, especially gum since i always have to have some and i still do since i still have my braces!.!.oh and try to wash ur teeth regularly since food gets stuck and floss ,,although that drinking a lot of soda stains ur teeth so i would suggest u don't drink a lot !.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lol just chew sugar free gum and yes it will hurt when u get them on!. it will feel like there pushing your teeth hella hard!.
and then when they come off it will feel like there pulling your teeth out!.
and hey please don't be like me when i had braces!.
cuz when i had braces i didnt bother brushing my teeth or taking care of them and now i really regret not taking care of my teeth because now you can see where my braces were and i have white sploches on my teeth
so take care of your teeth!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am sorry to say!.!.!.!.they are going to hurt after you get them on!. i have braces in 2nd grade so i am not sure about the gum rule as of now!.!.!.but when i had them you could eat sugar free gum!. i know you can't bit into apples, and corn on the cob!. but i never heard anything about soda!.!.!.!.but i was like like my mom was letting me drink lots of soda anyway!.!.!.!.good luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

ummm i dot remember anything about not drinking soda but u should ask your orthodontist about what you can and cant do!. the first day you get them actually dosent hurt, it just feels kinda weird!. the next like 3-4 days they will hurt so take a couple advils!.!.!.they really help!. good luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

no gum, no chewy foods, no corn on the cob, apples must be cut b4 u eat them, soda not a good idea because of sugar but braces do not rust!. take a tylenol or 2 just b4 your appt and the ache of the braces will be lessWww@Answer-Health@Com

you could che w gum just dont make it get stuck on ur braces and the soda the same thing1Www@Answer-Health@Com

gold does not rust!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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