Braces (traintracks) Does it hurt when they put it in?!

Question: Braces (traintracks) Does it hurt when they put it in!?
Im getting a brace soon traintrack one!.
Im really frightened about how much it will hurt when they put it on!
Because it hurts when I get a filling!
And I also have really sensitive teeth!.
Reply please!.

were in opposite shoes here!. i had braces and im afraid to get a filling lol!. but braces dont really hurt to put on!. it only hurts when you try to eat!. and its not hurt its just sensitive!. i suggest eating creamy or soft food afterwards (so eat a big meal before hand!!!)!. but you just feel an orthodontist hand in your mouth when they put it on!. it tastes a little bad, but thats it!. it only hurts when you bite down on something!. youll be just fine!.

me on the other hand, im deathly afraid to get my fillings!. :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have it and it doesnt hurt 1 bit, they glue the thing that goes on the tooth (all of them) then they put a wire through the things that are on your tooth (they have holes in it already) then they snip the ends then your out the door! its not bad at all!. BUT later at 6 hours after its going too hurt BUT you can take Aroljel ill give you the link it numbs your mouth then it your teeth!. its AMAZING! so if you have it your going too live but everytime they tighten your braces you the gell its really help full oh and here it is http://www!.orajel!.com/products/adult/too!.!.!. ( this is the exact ONE i use) buy it its only 10$ and its worth it


P!.s http://www!.orajel!.com/products/adult/sen!.!.!. ( THIS ONE IS FOR SENSITIVE TEETH USE THIS IN 1 WEEK AFTER YOU GET THE BRACES ON) !

OH brianna has a great answer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When they put the braces on, you'll feel a little pressure but after you get them on take a couple advil cause they'll hurt a bit!. Don't worry though cause I had braces and it went fine!. Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

discuss this with your orthodonist before the procedure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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