I might get braces?!

Question: I might get braces!?
I might get braces this Summer, soooo will it hurt!?
what kinds of food I could and can't eat!?!?!?
Tell me everything you know about bracesWww@Answer-Health@Com

Here's the process and I've also talked about when 'pain' might come in (since that seems to be the main concern of most people who will be getting braces):
Well, this is how my orthadontist installed my braces:
1!. He made this 'cement' mix!. I'm quite sure that it's not actually cement, but some type of adhesive for sure!.
2!. He got the brackets (the things that hold the wire)!.
3!. He applied the adhesive to the brackets and stuck them to my teeth!.
4!. He got rings for the back most, last teeth (I think they are part of the molars!? I'm pretty sure that before this installation of braces that you've had spacers put in between the last and second to last tooth!?)
5!. He put the ring on the tooth!. This part, I'm not sure if you would consider painful!? It just feels like an invasion, like something that's not supposed to be there, but like 10 minutes later, you'll get used to it!.
6!. He measures the wire!.
7!. He fits the wire to your teeth!. This part might be a bit uncomfortable since the wire might be too long and poke you, but it doesn't hurt!. Also, the wire's shape isn't right, so that might be of an annoyance, but no pain!.
8!. The wire is finished with adjustments and the wire is installed in!. From here, you'll feel a tightness on your teeth, and a pulling feeling!. It might be a bit painful, I'll describe the conditions below!.
9!. Rubber bands are put over the brackets!. This will tighten the wire more, so whatever 'pain' you felt before is slightly increased!.
You're finished with installing the braces!.
First, you should know that this is only one way to install braces, since there are many ways, I'm describing the way my orthadontist did mine!.
Second, I said above that I would 'describe' the levels of pain!. It really all depends on how your teeth started out in the first place!. My teeth weren't that bad to start off with, so I felt the pull and tightening, and it hurt for three days, but only when I was clenching my teeth or chewing!. However, my friend had extremely crooked teeth, and she said it hurt a lot and for the period of two weeks!.
It depends on yourself!.
However, after the first few days/weeks, the pain will pass, and you'll get used to having braces!. However, at each appointment, they will tighten your braces, so that might be a bit painful, but nothing-to-worry about pain!.
The whole installation of braces takes about 45 minutes to an hour (for mine at least)!.
Any hard foods is not recommended!. (Apples, hard candies, ice) When you decide to eat apples, carrots, celery, you have to chop them up into bite size pieces!.
Any sticky foods is not recommended, since they might stick to your brackets and pull them off; also, it's hard to clean the sticky substance off the brackets!. (Gum, soft candies)
Popcorn is discouraged, it's not that you can't eat it, it's just sometimes the kernel shells will get stuck in your gum, and with braces, it takes too long to get them out!.
Don't chew on the end of your pencil/pen, or else the wire might change shape and the brackets could possible fall off!.
Drinking soda is discouraged, since cleaning your teeth with braces is hard!.
This is the most important part!.
With braces on, it is hard to clean your teeth, therefore making it easy to get cavities or plaque accumulation!.
It might be annoying, but in the end, it's worth it!.
Take a dental needle and poke the floss through the hole (like a regular sewing needle) and go through each gap between the teeth!.
When you brush, don't brush on the brackets, but brush above and below (on the surfaces), then below (on the chewing/tearing part), then the inside of your teeth!.
What counts is if you brush and floss carefully, then you're teeth should be healthy!. And by eating the right foods, you won't extend your time with braces on!.
I think that's about it!. I hope this helped!. **** luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, after you get your braces off, you're gonna love your smile!. i'm getting mine off in 1 1/2 month, after 1 1/2 years of wearing them!.

Anyway, so first, they take a mold of your teeth, to plan out the process!. It doesn't hurt, but it tastes bad!. :[
After, when they put on braces, it doesn't hurt, but, it takes a loooong time!. Just be patient :)
So, when you first get them, they hurt so badly, but after you get your braces tightened for a few times, your teeth get used to it!.
They tell you what not to eat, such as caramel, hard/whole apples and carrots, popcorn, etc!. However, I eat all that stuff, and nothings happened!. They don't reccomend it though, because it gets stuck in brackets and can break a bracket/pop it out!. Depends :D

If you want them to be off asap, LISTEN TO EVERYTHING YOUR ORTHO SAYS!. literally!. i didn't wear my bands to fix my overbite everyday, and if i did, i'd probably have them off by now!.

And, for the pain, overall, it doesn't hurt that much, just the tightenings which is wehn they replace wires and stuff!.

good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to have braces, and I was really surprised because before I got them I would be so afraid and stuff but when I got them they didn't hurt at all!.!.!.!. DON'T eat:
Gum (It gets stuck in them)
Lollipops (They would tell me that when you have braces, never eat lollipops but they never said why so one day, I did, and this terrible stuff happens to your mouth, all of a sudden your tongue starts bleeding, and everything is throbbing and it hurts like crazy)
Anything sticky and be careful especially for candies!.!.!. If it seems like it wouldn't be good for your braces, it probably isn't!. Eat stuff that are soft, like mashed potatoes AND NO HARD FOODS!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It doesn't hurt that much!. Your teeth and mouth will just be sore for a day or two!. You probably wont be able to eat much on the day that you get them, but by that next day, it's so much better!.

The truly annoying part is the food that will get stuck in our braces for the duration you have them for!. No more celery, and the like!. And dont bite into things, like apples and corn on the cob!. I popped a few brackets off that way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it only hurts a lil bit, well at least for me it did!. i think it rely depends on how bad your teeth are!. when they put mine on, later that day it started to hurt, you can take medicine if you want it rely helps!. they will tell u everything u can nd cannot not eat!. to be honest i never listened, i chewed gum nd other foods nd i was fine nothin bad happened!. i did eat something rely sticky nd it got rapped arong my braces nd it sucked to get it off but you can rely eat anythin!. your teeth will be sore when they tighten them nd dont worry its not as bad as you may think!.
one thing i liked about braces was how i could change the colors!. i must have A!.D!.D!. i liked goin there sometimes, i got out of school!. dont worry u only have braces for a lil but nd having them at a young age, its soo much better!.good luck no worriesWww@Answer-Health@Com

Hey there!

I got my braces on like 10 months ago, and honestly!? they're not so bad!. But the first week sucked!!! My mouth was sore, and I could feel little twinges of pain in my gums and chin (weird huh!?) But then--suddenly--I got used to it!. I can't even remeber how I looked without them!

For foods--weeeelll!.!.!.the orthodontists say you can't have anything chewy like caramel and gum, you have to be carefull with stuff like big sandwiches and hard vegitables (like carrots and apples--which you have to slice) But I have been chewing gum and eating whole apples since the second week and nothing's happened!. But I know people who do this and get in HUGE trouble with their orthodontists, beause the food they ate popped their brackets off (not good!.!.!.slows down the process) or got stuck (not attractive)!.!.!.

If you want to get done with braces faster, you have to be aware: you can eat whatever you want so long as you don't bite it the wrong way and pop out one of your brackets (you'll know what I mean when you get them)!. When the ortho peeps give you rubber bands WEAR THEM! Brush your teeth toroughly and floss (it's a pain to floss at first, but you'll get better at it)!. Braces can be a quick and relatively easy experience as long as you take care of it!

As for the pain--it's not so bad!. The first few days, yeah pain and misery and whining and self-pity are sure to occur (it's normal!.!.!.i hated it man!.!.!.ugh) and after tightening your braces after check-ups your teeth get sore but!.!.!.it's all good

So here's my advice: expect the ABSOLUTE worst, and then it won't seem so bad!. And trust me, you'll be ridiculously happy when you get them off and see how pretty your teeth look!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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