Im getting braces... I don't know what to expect?!


Im getting braces... I don't know what to expect?

Im getting braces... Damon System....?????
Am I going to be happy with these and it takes forever to get them, I started this process in Jan and I still have another week befor I get them put on.... What am I to expect with braces and soon to be new look?


I had braces for 2 years and they're finally off. I can't even tell you how happy I am. On the day you're getting them on, take Tylenol before you go to prevent brain. When they start to put them on they put a giant thing in your mouth to keep it open which can be very annoying. Then they individually place cement on each bracket and place it on your tooth. This part doesn't hurt at all, but your cheeks will be very scraped up from the thing that holds it open. Afterwards, your mouth will feel awkward since there's new stuff on your teeth that has never been there before, and your gums will probably get cut up from the brackets. They probably won't hurt for the first day and you'll assume that the pain will never come, like I did. Unfortunately, it does. You'll wake up the next day and your mouth will feel HORRIBLE. Like someone above me said, it will feel like a truck ran over your mouth. There is so much pressure and it just makes your whole jaw/mouth hurt and sometimes a headache. Also, you might think you look ugly lol, but trust me, you get over it and realize you look fine. Surprisingly, when I got my braces OFF I thought I looked bad because I was so used to having them on! For the first week after your braces are put on you won't be able to eat hard foods, I ate Ramen Chicken Noodle Soup the whole time. Also, it might feel like you can't close your mouth together all the way, like your teeth won't close, but that doesn't last long. Taking asprin frequently and eating cold things like ice cream can help with the pain. When you get them tightened, they will hurt the next day or two, but not that badly. Also, as for foods you can/can't eat, I'd say there is no rules. I chewed gum, ate popcorn, and basically did everything they told you not to, and only broke 2 brackets. One was from a Snickers though, so I might not suggest eating VERY crunchy things. Lastly, always use your wax! Wires will pop out alot or will be poking you after you get a new wire put in. Placing wax on it can help with so much of the annoying pain. Make sure you brush your teeth really good, because I didn't and now I regret that. I don't have marks from the brackets but my teeth still aren't as white as before. My last advice is when you get your retainer when you get your braces off, WEAR IT! I know you don't want to but trust me you should. I've now had my braces off sicne October, and if I skip ONE night without wearing my retainer, my teeth still shift a little and can sometimes hurt.

That's all, lol I know that was really long.
Please give me best answer! =] It took a while to type that all!

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