Can rentainers straighten your teeth?!

Question: I got my braces off last spring and have barely worn my retainers since so my teeth have shifted to some degree. I have the clear plastic kind and they still fit on my teeth (but tightly) and I've decided to start wearing them all the time. Could the possible fix the few kinks? When I take them off, it feels like my teeth have moved (to where they should be) and eventually they re-shift again but could 24 hour wear for a couple of months fix the problem like the clear Invisaline braces?

Answers: I got my braces off last spring and have barely worn my retainers since so my teeth have shifted to some degree. I have the clear plastic kind and they still fit on my teeth (but tightly) and I've decided to start wearing them all the time. Could the possible fix the few kinks? When I take them off, it feels like my teeth have moved (to where they should be) and eventually they re-shift again but could 24 hour wear for a couple of months fix the problem like the clear Invisaline braces?

It's possible depending on the degree of movement that has taken place. You must be careful because if your teeth move they will be loose also for a while and you will need to wear the retainer long enough for them to re-tighten after they move,,,,if they move.

Well, my orthodontist re-made my retainers adding springs behind the teeth that enabled them to slowly move my teeth back into place. I would take your retainers in to the orthodontist, be honest and tell them that you didn't wear them often and feel that your teeth moved. They will adjust the retainers so that they can move your teeth back into place if they haven't shifted that far. If they did move a lot, like mine, the articulating retainers will move them back into place within about 6 months, IF you wear them all of the time.

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