Question: Tomorrow I am having 2 fillings and I am not so scared about the drilling, but I am scared about the novocaine shot! I have a PHOBEA of needles, no joke, and pain is not my game. I am a total wimp. What can I do to help relax myself and not make myself so stressed when I walk in the dentists office tomarrow, without relaxants ar pain killers or anything like that? thanks!

Oh, and EXACTLY how many seconds does it last? Please don't say only a couple! Thanks!

Answers: Tomorrow I am having 2 fillings and I am not so scared about the drilling, but I am scared about the novocaine shot! I have a PHOBEA of needles, no joke, and pain is not my game. I am a total wimp. What can I do to help relax myself and not make myself so stressed when I walk in the dentists office tomarrow, without relaxants ar pain killers or anything like that? thanks!

Oh, and EXACTLY how many seconds does it last? Please don't say only a couple! Thanks!

I have many of the Novacaine shots. Yes, the first initial shot kind of stings as the dentist numbs you.

He/she first puts a numbing on the gums so you don't feel that. It stings as he numbs you and it lasts about 10 seconds, depending on where he has to numb you in comparison to where your fillings are. They rub it and then it quits hurting after that. I am one of the lucky ones that has to be numbed a little more than others.

My dentist will tell you to look up and then you can concentrate on something like "wiggling your left foot" and it helps keep your mind a little calmer. My heart usually races a bit because of the shot. Try to take some deep breaths and you can close your eyes and don't move. It doesn't last long.

Remember, the good thing about the shot, is that you won't feel the drilling or any pain during the filling. You may feel pressure and hear the sound, but it really isn't bad. Ask your dentist to tell you what he/she is going to do before they do it. That way you won't be surprised.

I am currently in the process of getting an implant. I had a root canal and it broke and then I had to have the tooth pulled and a bone graft put in to prepare my mouth for the implant that is coming in about 3 months. I had a dry socket which is so much more painful than that shot. I wanted to get a shot to numb the pain after my tooth was pulled. I have never had such pain. Dry socket is worse than a shot. I use to be afraid of shots because I was in the hospital as a kid and had many many. Now, I just try to relax as best as I can. Think of pleasant things. You can bring headphones and your favorite music to listen to before they do it.

You can also get laughing gas so that it makes you don't care about the shot.

Have them give you the gas mask instead!
It makes you feel floaty lol

Most don't do shots any more. It's a novacaine rub with a swab. Relax,

about 30 seconds and they numb the area first with a gel

I am also petrified of needles absolutely hate them. the novacaine needles really arent horrible. they pinch a little and they sting a little while the stuff is going in.. and feel free to cry all you want while theyre putting it in just try not to move much.. its only takes them about 30 seconds or so for each shot if your fillings are both on the same side you probably wont feel the second shot ( they usually give me 2-3 to numb me) i dont feel anything after the first one if its in the same spot.. try not to work yourself up really bad because if you tense you'll make it hurt worse....

i'm scared of needles and pain too but I had a filling a few years ago and it really wasn't that bad, the initial needle in your gum hurts a little but bring a stress ball or a stuffed animal to squeeze or hold on to. And it numbs up really really fast.

Good luck!

OMG I am the same way and my first filling I got I had 2 too this is how I dealt w/ it I had head phones on(they let you were them) and I squeezed my legs REALLY hard and I cranked the music and closed my eyes tight then I felt a paine that lasted like 3 secs and the needle was still in I just didnt feel it too much, it's not that bad. I think the worst pasrt is the taste of the crap they put in there

Honestly...depending on where the tooth receiving the filling is, you will most likely receive at least 3 shots. The 3rd one is usually less painful. But they're all done so close together that I felt it. It should take about 1-2 minutes. Then you'll wait another 20 minutes or more for the novocaine to fully numb the area.

ask the dentist to put the novacaine under warm/hot running water for a couple minutes until it warms up. what hurts is the cold liquid running through your veins that isn't your body temp. you won't feel the prick of the needle if they put the gel on first. at our office, people don't even know they had the shot until it was done and we told them

IT WON"T HURT! i saw the needle too and HATE needles it didnt' hurt i closed my eyes and relaxed and when i opened them it was done i didn't even feel anythign just a tiny poke but that's it it's NOT a big poke just a bit nothing to worry about.

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