Does it hurt when the dentist/orthadontist insert a needle in gums....?!

Question: Hi,

I went to the orthadontist today and they said i have to have 2 HEALTHY teeth taken out to i can have fixed braces.

Does it hurt when they insert anethetic to numb the gums? if so can they give me something else so i dont feel it?

im 14 so i dont know what drugs they cant give me....

Thank you

Answers: Hi,

I went to the orthadontist today and they said i have to have 2 HEALTHY teeth taken out to i can have fixed braces.

Does it hurt when they insert anethetic to numb the gums? if so can they give me something else so i dont feel it?

im 14 so i dont know what drugs they cant give me....

Thank you

to answer your question...yes it does sting a little bit. Its similar to a stick in ur arm, but since its in an area that is a bit more tender, its going to be a bit more uncomfortable.
They can put a topical on ur gums beforehand to numb ur gums up a little bit.

FYI the orthodontist won't be the one who will take out your teeth. An oral surgeon my opinion, if your parents have insurance, I would get put to sleep. IV sedation. That will be 100 times more comfortable for you and the dr. It makes it a lot easier for the surgeon to remove the teeth. and all you will feel is the stick of the IV needle instead of about 10 or more sticks in ur mouth!

Hope that helps.

well as weird as it sounds, i used to be the biggest wimp in the world when it came to shots from the dentist...but what they do is put this ointment on there beforehand and it kind of feels sweet a bit and it numbs ur gums a lil bit so u dont feel the initial prick from the needle, then they do the needle thing and u may feel like a sting that doesnt hurt just feels kinda...idk weird! but then after 5 minutes u wont feel half ur head lol and its an awesome feeling tho lol ull bite the hell outta your lip once ur outta there and idk why they are removing ur teeth tho at 14...kinda bad if u ask me, i hate dentists :( but good luck buddy

Watch my lips... IT HURTS LIKE CRAZY.


dood its gunna be so quick dont even swet it! i hade to have 6 PERMANANT TETH PULLED OUT befor i got my braces! be lucky you only gettting 2!

there going 2 stick a needel in both sides of my mouth it hurts just as much as getting a shot!

dont swet it dood.

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