How long??!

Question: I went to the dentist at 8 am for a crown and left at 10 it's now almost noon and my mouth is still very numb, how much longer will it be this way?

Answers: I went to the dentist at 8 am for a crown and left at 10 it's now almost noon and my mouth is still very numb, how much longer will it be this way?

just a little while longer sweetie, take some asprin and lat down youll feel better in no time at all

till at lest me its better then the pain of not having a shot

shouldnt be too much longer... 2 hours tops

Depends on what kind of numbing medicine and how the dentist used. I've had 6 teeth pulled on separate occasions and it never lasted more than a few hours. My estimate would be that you'll still be numb until probably around 4 or 5

dentist hr4

When I went for my root canal the medicine wore off about an hour after I left the dentist. Just make sure you take the painkillers BEFORE the numbness wears off. I didn't do that and ended up in a lot of pain that night. Good luck though.

about 3 hours

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