All my teeth are bad. wanted all out. dentist said cant infection would get into!

Question: She gave me antibiotics. but now other teeth are hurting. cant see this dentist again til Feb. Is it true that when you have an infection that you should not get all pulledat one time?

Answers: She gave me antibiotics. but now other teeth are hurting. cant see this dentist again til Feb. Is it true that when you have an infection that you should not get all pulledat one time?

I think her concerns are overblown. A reasonably healthy person can have an infected tooth extracted. Extracting the tooth will allow easier draining of any collected pus as well. If there is a significant infection it is sometimes advisable to place the patient on an antibiotic to help resolve the infection.
It is true however that an acutely infected tooth is harder (but usually) not impossible to numb adequately.

Steve Bornfeld, DDS

yes, it is could die

It is very true. Let the antibiotics work. It will help immediately. I took penicillin and the pain started to go away without taking anything else for pain.

yes it's true. if they are abcessed then you have to clear up the infection before oral sugery. if you pull an abcessed tooth you can get the infection into your bloodstream and also it will take alot longer for your gums to heal.

bad teeth may cause bad bacteria which is harmfull for all internal organs

it's true, most dentists won't pull an infected tooth because it can cause more problems than just a tooth ache.

after the infection is gone, have the worst teeth pulled and let it heal, or have an oral surgeon take them out if they think it will be a safe proceedure.

It is true, also my dentist told me that novacaine does not work as well if you have an infection.

Ditto to Steven B....


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