The dreaded toothache?!

Question: 2.07 am uk time,can't get into a dentist,theres a shortage in the uk,can't find an emergency dentist and can't sleep,tried clove oil,painkillers etc,any ideas what else works,please it's agony

Answers: 2.07 am uk time,can't get into a dentist,theres a shortage in the uk,can't find an emergency dentist and can't sleep,tried clove oil,painkillers etc,any ideas what else works,please it's agony

Mate if you are desperate phone NHS Direct and they'll get you something, just don't take no for an answer tell them you can't stand it.

Alternatively, and my friend did this, take yourself along to A&E and the doctor will numb it up and pull it out with a pair of pliers, but be prepared to wait because painful as it is, you must wait till emergency cases are done, so you could be there for about six hours.

Absenthe. If it doesn't numb the pain it will knock u out!! xx

i had this problem last year and i wouldn't usually recommend this but a couple of puffs of a spliff will help. i couldn't handle the pain and a friend of mine was visiting (she smokes, i dont) but i was in so much agony i decided to try it as nothing else would work. it didn't kill the pain but it made me so laid back i didn't care and i was asleep in no time and when i got up in the morning i went straight to the dentist.

i sympathise with you. toothache is horrible. hope you feel better soon. x

hot water bottle or warm drink...i use beechams powder...but carful if youve had painkillers already....tothache is hideous...really hope you feel better soon

Take a piece of ice from the ice-box and rub it on the fleshy skin between your thumb and forefinger.
Keep doing this for as long as you can.

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