Anyone else ever had a dentist come in on a Saturday night to help with a proble!

Question: My dentist met me in her office this evening. She was dressed for a party, but I thought it was sooo sweet that she came in to help me--because I am suffering from dry socket. I just wondered if other dentists do this too.

Answers: My dentist met me in her office this evening. She was dressed for a party, but I thought it was sooo sweet that she came in to help me--because I am suffering from dry socket. I just wondered if other dentists do this too.

You have a good dentist. Dry sockets can cause sereve pain (as you may know). By law you dentist must have a way for you to contact them "after-hours". The grey line comes in after that..... they can either decide to see you or just prescribe pain pills to get you through to Monday (or whenever they open). That shows a lot about your DDS. They had the choice NOT to see you, but chose to do so. It seems like you have a DDS who cares and that will usually do their best to keep a patient.

Wow, she must like you. I've never called my dentist in, just suffered in great pain till monday...maybe next time I'll call.

Nope yours is the one and only..........

though that is sweet....

Think she is one in a million.

Here in Oswestry England if you are not a private patient they cut you off their list.

This started in the Thatcher Years. So much doom and gloom then.

yes, mine came in on a Saturday am for me.

the dentist i work for does this often..... nights and weekends
people call him at home, some are not even regular patients..

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