16, 190 lbs, 5'5", I need help!?!

Question: 16, 190 lbs, 5'5", I need help!?
I'm a sophomore right now and I'm not proud of all of this extra weight. I think I'm 40 pounds overweight. I always tried to eat healthy or do exercise, but I lose the motivation and I just stop and go back to my usual unhealthy lifestyle. I need some motivation and a plan to help me get back on track, but most importantly to stop me from eating junk/greasy food.

I'm going to sign up for the gym and golf lessons in the summer, but is there anything I can do now? I want to be able to join my school's golf team and make the most out of my junior and senior year!


Here's a couple ideas for you and wish you luck.

Go for a long walk totally hungry. Your body will only burn your fat reserves when you've burned through the food in your stomach and the sugars in your blood. So get yourself totally hungry and go shopping at the mall. walk back and forth, something like that.

One hidden junk food is milk. Don't drink milk. The lactose is pure sugar. It's as bad as eating cake.
Calories are important but what kind is more important. Stay away from Carbs. so no rice no bread no pasta etc. eat protein. No sugar.

If you go to fast food and have a hamburger, take off one of the buns. Skip the fries for sure. If you get a deli sandwich once again, pull off have the bread

Good luck

First write a plan on what you will do. You should make a list of the foods you should eat and only eat those foods (cut all carbs). Then write an exercise plan and strictly stick to that plan (perhaps do 1 hour of cardio exercise day). I know it will be hard but maybe you can reward yourself with something you like for every 5 pounds lost, and look forward to the reward as a motivation to keep on going.

You need to get healthy for yourself. You should lose 40 to 50 pounds for your height. To lose weight you must exercise and eat the right foods. Fruits, veggies. whole grains, lean meats and some low fat dairy. Weight training will build muscle and muscle burns fat even at rest. Eat every 4 hours to keep your body a fat burning machine. Breakfast,lunch,dinner and a snack. No junk food. I have lost 110 pounds in a year. I know from experience. Don't give up.

Always keep your goal in mind. You need to have will power! Also, why wait until the summer to get into shape. Cut out all sodas(even diet), complex carbs, simple sugars, etc. Start running. Get your stamina up. Run distance. Gradually get up to running far and with out stopping. Run on the treadmill or around the neighborhood about 3 days a week. Remember, it is easiest to loose weight when you're young! So, if you don't get in shape, it is possible that this is a permanent thing!

well one way to get motivated to eat healthy is research the negative effects of eating unhealthy. i dont mean just the after effects. i mean look at how it hurts ur body and scare yourself enough to get you to stop eating.

Dud u can eat what ever u want ..... Jus work out hear and there

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