I hate myself!! I'm becoming 29 this march2011 and am 260lbs,5'2"!

Question: I hate myself!! I'm becoming 29 this march2011 and am 260lbs,5'2" & I can't lose my weight!!! Help!!!?
Every time I begin diet or exercise I fail the 1st or the 2nd day, no motivation and family not helping!!!
Am afraid that I get more weight by the end of the year! I also don't have BF and not married because of that! I wish so one help me :( what shall I do???


first off stop hating yourself. the only one that can encourage u or help u is u. men like fat women too they are called chubby chasers, we can't all have barbie figures. so stop. stop hating yourself and stop saying u can't. after u get some self esteem back in your back bone, slow down on eating. eat half of what is on your plate. u only have 1/2 the calories to lose that way. and the big picture is u don't deprive yourself of any favorite foods. eat less chips and junk and something less greasy and more healthy. if u usually have seconds at dinner time eat more slowly and eat one plate of food. don't heap the food and don't fall for the 'eat baby i don't want u to get sick' or the 'starving nations'. i really don't like my mother for those... don't heap the plate to make up for the second helping. if u go to a buffet style restaurant if u usually make 4 trips make 2. eventually u can cut that 2 to one. when u start to feel full (not bloated or sick/stuffed) quit. if u r still hungry in an hour go back for a little more. same with desserts. eat half. if u usually go for cheesecake and pudding then pick one or eat 1/2 of both just to get the taste.no harm in leaving some on the plate. good luck.

Being heavy won't stop you from getting married. I know plenty who are heavy and get married. You don't like yourself. You need to get to the root of the problem that is causing you to "fail" at your diets. What would motivate you? What about a friend to go walking with you?

I know you can do it. God is with you and you need to ask him for assistance with your goals. I will pray for your strength and courage. You really can do this with God's help. People will let you down in your life, but you can always count on God.

actually, you can.

enroll in a gym. Meet other people who regularly work out, and becomes work out buddies with them. once you get past the first week of working out youll be inspired to work out more. Trust me i know you can do this. just dont stop. When eating meals, think about it before youre eating, take 30 seconds and take away the most fattening thing for example, if youre having a sandwhich swap the mayo for mustard or soda for water or diet soda. do that often and you will see the weight shed.

First off, you have to watch your diet. Try to eat healthy. This could be a stereotype, but don't eat at fast food chains. If that's not your problem exercise. You're by far not the only one with this sort of problem, so don't hate yourself.


hi there i am a guy professional weightlifter and kickboxer
people always ask , how can i get in shape

1.Try to find a workout buddy
2.eat healthy ( never never get full ) try to eat 5 small meals a day
3.Bring your ipod to gym play some good music dance or techno it makes you move
4.Avoid all fast food places **** is pure fat.
5.go for a walk walk for a couple miles
6.drink plenty of water alottt (dont drink too much ppl died from it lol)
7.bodybuilding. com sells fat burners (but they dont work unless you eating healthy) and when you take them in your mind you think i can do this :)and get in shape

its called animal cuts i took them i lost weight but not sure if if was because of them or because i was going to gym 6 days a week

Alright, i'm going to be blunt here.

It is no ones fault but your own that your are obese.

Stop eating junk food. I bet you eat a ton of processed food and junk food. Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, unprocessed meats. Nothing with high fructose corn syrup, no sodas. Drink water, natural juices and low fat milk. And exercise. Stop being lazy and feeling sorry for yourself and get your life together.

lol, get something straight, you see mega fat people hooked up with other people. your weight is not the problem, it's your attitude. lol you fail the first or second day? you're not even trying come on.

If you want any weight loss YOU have to get motivated and not depend on your family to help you. You should try walking a mile a day and drinking water. Take small steps like that..

dont take pills just get in a sport and eat healthy like when ur feeling like eating a snack grabe a tomatoe or something

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