Are salted peanuts fattening?!

Question: Are salted peanuts fattening!?

I'm trying to lose weight!. And I cut back on eating!. And I just want to know if they would be fattening!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This might interest you about salted peanuts!. An average handful of peanuts are about 40 peanuts!. Every 10 whole dry roasted peanuts have 45 calories, five grams of fat and two grams of protein!. So every handful of peanuts you eat has 180 calories, 20 grams of fat and eight grams of protein!. This would be equal to four pats of butter and one ounce of meat!.

A word of caution about salted peanuts!. Dry roasted peanuts also contain significant amounts of sodium in the form of added salt!. There are several brands of reduced sodium peanuts available!. Try them to reduce your salt intake!.

Nuts and peanuts are a great source of healthy fats, protein and vitamins; however, they are caloric and should be eaten in moderation if you're trying to lose weight!. Just 1/4 cup (about 36 grams) of peanuts contains 206 calories!. That's not to say you shouldn't eat them -- they can help you feel full, and studies show that those who eat nuts and seeds are, on average, slimmer!. Just watch your portion sizes!. Also, try some raw almonds (a serving size is 23 almonds, which contain about 160 calories) and walnuts (a serving size is 14 halves)!. The latter are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to promote heart health and better moods!. And try having whole-grain toast with a tablespoon of peanut or almond butter (look for the natural, non-hydrogenated kind)!. Good luck with your weight loss!

Yes peanuts tend to be high on calories, salted or unsalted!. You can have a handful or peanuts 2-3 times a week, it makes for good protein intake and gives you strength!. Walnuts are good to eat too, lowers bad cholesterol, 4 walnuts + 2 almonds (soaked overnight) + flax seeds or sunflower seeds eaten as a snack between meals adds luster to your skin!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Salted or unsalted, peanuts contain a healthy type of fat, but yes!.!.!.they are fattening because they are high in calories!.

You could've easily looked this up yourself by either reading the peanut package or going to a site such as calorielab!.com or calorieking!.com!.

A cup of peanuts has 846 calories!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes i heard that!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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