I need help in losing weight?!

Question: I need help in losing weight!?
my weight is 140 and 5'1, and im 13, i know im overweight so i need help in how long i should exercise and what i should eat, like so should i only eat veggies and fruits!? or is it bad not to eat meat!? i was planning on being a vegetarian, and i think i might be, and how long should i exercise And how should i exercise!? Drinking a lot of Milk and Water is good right!? and diet Soda's are alright!? Help please!. Thank You!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok, you're not hugely overwheight, so don't stress!.

Being vegetarian is ok, as long as you get enough protein!. Eat lots of fruits and veggies (especially veggies), nuts, beans (like black beans and chickpeas), skim milk, cottage cheese, eggs!. You should eat about 1200 calories if you want to lose weight!.

Exercise is what you make of it!. Do what you enjoy!. Dance to your favorite music, jog, or whatever you want!. For starters, 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week should be enough to get you going!. Or, just take a nice 30 minute walk every day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat small amounts of food about 6 times a day!. never get FULL!. learn to listen to ur stomach when it is content ya know!? for example this works for me!.!.!. serve smaller plates and put the rest of the food away so that you dont end up going for seconds!. Drink water!!!!! water with meals is not so bad as people think!. you get used to it!. eventually its almost like ur body is asking you for water!. its pretty cool!. this is wats kept me from gaining weight!. as far as losing exercise and about 1200 calories total a day but continue with wat i said earlier lol!. milk is good get 2% or skim!. i cant do skim but watever works for u!. eat cereal in the morning whole grains are good for u! i recommend honey nut cheerios, smart start and special k!.!.!.!.also for snacks!.!.!. forget the chips and cake go for fruits! yummi!.!.!.!. i dont drink soda but i guess one a day wont hurt!. hope this helps :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat foods that have a lot of fiber like splits peas those are like the best things and also black and baked beans are also good, because they help you stay full for a longer time than fatty foods!. Also exercise too!. Run for 15 min a couple times a week and you will be fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cut out sugar!!!!! all junk food
and drink lots of water if possible dont even drink diet soda
by doing this alone you will lose 5-7 pounds quickly
but if you still wanna lose more weight then start running/walking!.!. its good for you!!!
p!.s sweating is good so make sure if you do walk or run that you push your slef to brake a sweat!
good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Hi jess

I'd suggest if you want to lose weight fast get yourself a program and stick by it vigorously!.

http://snipurl!.com/fatloss08 is a really popular one and seems to work really well especially for people who are struggling to lose weight with other methods!. Just make sure to stick to their program strictly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

diet soda is bad for you!. it has chemicals in it that can cause cancer!. don't drink it!. only milk water and juice!. eat lots of fruits and veggies and exercise 45 min 5 days a week and you'll lose weight!. good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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