How can i motivate myself to work out?!

Question: How can i motivate myself to work out!?
i'm so tired during the week!. im a full time student five days a week, 6!.5 hours a day, and i work 5 days a week!. meaning i got to school mon-fri, i work tues, wed, fri-sunday!. so the only times id be able to work out are monday & thursday night, and sat and sunday morning!. but the times that i am off i just want to relax because of all that im doing during the week!. how can i motivate myself to just go and exercise!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

one thing i did was when i wanted to relaw i would play a song i reallly liked and would jogg or run in place to it and just keep doing it it really keeps you motavated to hear you fav!. song and feel like you could be doing something good for yourselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's possible that you are trying to make the switch to gym rat too quickly!. You seem to be trying to go to the gym 4-5x a week, which may be impossible on your schedule!. Instead, try to make time for yourself to do something simple to begin, like walk around the block a couple of times!. Upgrade to going to the gym once a week to start, then gradually up the intervals as you are able to make more and more time in your schedule!.

You are OBVIOUSLY going to be overwhelmed if you try to fit in another 5-10 hours a week (including exercise, transit time, showering time, etc!.) all at once on top of your already busy schedule!. Find an extra 30 minutes a week, fill that time up with your workout, and then go with the smaller scheduling changes from there!. I'm sure it's easier to find 3-4 1-hour blocks in your weekly schedule over a couple of months than it is to try and stuff in ten hours all at once!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How long is your lunch hour!? If its an hour and the gym is within 10minutes from your job then you can do alot and then by the time you get home you cant goof off working out, it will be over already!. I got down to 15% body fat just working out during my lunch and walking 3times a week for 30min each!. You can do it too!Www@Answer-Health@Com

self hypnotism is a great tool my friend!.

because it directly strike on our subconsious mind and ask it to act accordingly!.

by simply saying i can do it we can take our moral from ground to peak and it will enhance our interst to do something more than average!.

I use this simple tip to keep my self motivated all the time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like a bunch of excuses to me!! if u dont like what u see when u look in the mirror then no matter what!.!.!.working out will be like brushing your teeth or going to work!.!.!. just do itWww@Answer-Health@Com

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