Can I take creatine and whey protein during my training?!

Question: Can I take creatine and whey protein during my training!?
Ok, I have just bought some creatine and some whey protein, in a powdered form, and was wondering following:
1) When is the best time to take both!?
2) Can i take it during my training, or should i wait for after!?

Thanks ^^Www@Answer-Health@Com

first, why did you buy it if you dont even know when or how to use it!?

also, before using it lets make sure your on the right track for maximal benefits!.

1) is your diet set to build muscle/
2) is your training routine keyed in to stimulate muscle growth
3) are you getting enough sleep at night to allow prpoer growth!?

if so then we can begin to think about supplements,

first thing you should always get no matter is a multi, any will do, and some flax seed oil gel-caps!.

protein powder is a great way to get the extra calories and protein than you cant get from your set diet, whey isolate is the best form, go with ON 100% whey gold standard!.

creatine helps muscle energy levels by helping adp tranlate back into atp, which is the energy used to contract muscle, a micronized monohydrate will be best, go with higher power or ast brand!.

take the creatine before workourt about 30min with protein if you want, the after a high protein and carb meal!.

make sure you got the 3 points before using the supplement, they will be wated and no effect unless otherwise

email for any questionsWww@Answer-Health@Com

A few things for you:

First: I'd get some dextrose/maltodextrin to take with your whey protein!. Carbohydrates are important with protein for muscle growth!. The best time to do this is after training!.

During and after are both acceptable!. I take 5 grams of creatine after every time I train!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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