Will 'Tums' Stop Me Snacking?!

Question: Will 'Tums' Stop Me Snacking!?
heard at school that tums will help me loose weight because the neutralise my stomach acid and stop me feeling hungry therefore i don't snack!. true/false!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Doubtful!. Your stomach is not the reason you get hungry although it has to do with signaling you to stop!.

First of all, the acid type found in your stomach is so powerful that the lining of the stomach is designed to resist it!. Acid reflux disease or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD, however it goes) is when the esophagus takes acid from the stomach due to problems with muscles that normally keep acid out of that tube and pain and scarring occur!. Left untreated GERD can cause cancer in the esophagus or dangerous scarring to the tissues of the esophagus!.

That's the OTHER extreme!. TUMS are basically a calcium chloride-based remedy for a dyspepsia (upset stomach) with excess acid production!. That acid is there to make roast beef, crackers or what ever edible substance goes in breakdown SOME, but not all the way and read on to learn WHY!. Dare I say even YOU would get the same treatment if you were dinner!.!.!.

So if this acid is so strong then why doesn't everything digest in the stomach and if I suppressed this acid what might happen!?

The answer is very simple!. The stomach does not ABSORB NUTRIENTS! It only breaks them down into a paste the INTESTINES and KIDNEYS and LIVER can process to fuel the body and keep it's syatems running properly!. Intestines have tiny fingerlike branches called VILLI that absorb the nutrients from the paste and also the water content, which is filtered by the kidneys and the waste materials are sent to the BLADDER to be eliminated as URINE with traces of wastes as well as water!. What doesn't get absorbed and other wastes such as dead blood cells naturally removed by the LIVER for disposal finish travelling through the length of the intestines and then you know the rest!.

What condition the two states of waste products are in (what is in them) can tell a lot about your health such as internal bleeding or diabetes or infections!. If you shut down a large portion to the acid production in the stomach it is true that the intestines would not be able to use the nutrients coming because they weren't broken down enough!.


1!. Either you would throw up a lot, which is also very physically draining on top of that or!.!.!.

2!. Food would be too large to pass, causing a blockage that would be life-threatening!.!.!.that's right, FUNERAL BELLS JUST MAYBE!.

One thing you really aren't aware of is that it can actually take a few DAYS for the dinner you ate TODAY to be Mom, we need more Charmin!. NO, your stomach isn't Popeye, it needs a couple or three days to finish where you took 15 minutes on a double cheeseburger!.

Okay, so it didn't take long to make that song about wanting to be a weiner come true!. So how do you tell Oscar where to go in a hurry!?

YOU DON'T!. Unless you are a building, tearing down takes longer than construction!. You do it safely too, like when they tear a building down so as to prevent hurting the other buildings nearby!.

1st stick of TNT is to realize WHY are you snacking!? Why!? You don't need to actually eat very much to survive and water is important but not fizzy with Dr!. Pepper's name on it (just an exmple there Doc)!.

Are you eating to make you happy because nothing makes you happy, you can 'control' this, and yeah it becomes like a happy drug after a while, I know, I'm 280 and 5' 8" and not Heavy D either!.

Gets a little mindless, doesn't it!?

Why get even more that way by asking your friends that you love dearly, but FACE IT, they're all fighting the Ty-D-Bol man for control of the boat before somebody flushes too!?

AHHHHH!. You know the drill!. Talk to the Grownups time!. Hey, how do you suppose the medical profession was invented!?

A: A bunch of dudes formed schools to cut open folks that did stupid things or stupid things happened anyway and they wrote down all they saw and learned!.

So are you going to argue with thousands of years of all that and bum out all those dead folks or are you going to ask one for help instead of giving a calcium mine owner 3 more cents to be sick for no reason!?

That's why they are there and they tell you that and doing it wrong is always more expensive than doing it RIGHT!Www@Answer-Health@Com

in fact if you do not ahve and stomach pains or diarreia,but u still take tums anyway,it could give you a serious eating disorderWww@Answer-Health@Com

i wonder!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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