Can someone make me a workout plan please?!

Question: Can someone make me a workout plan please!?
i go to the gym and do cardio and weights and also have soccer training to i just want to tone up around my chest arms abs all that but not to lose weight how often should i do cardio and weights and for how long!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I go to the gym to do weights about 3/4 times a week normally on a day on day off basis!.

Try to do 5 upper section,2 mid secion and 3 legs and thighs exercises give or take per session

In essence for the upper body the general rule is no pain no gain!. You just have to watch your back, some exercises not done right put pressure on it!. This is not good, as your back if damaged may never repair

Prefered exercises for upper body a a rule, bench press 2 sets of 8 at 60 kg, chin ups 2 sets of 12, then a few other exercises using dunbells & a few upper body exercises using machines!.

Have your weights at the amount so you physically can't do more after about 8 reps!. Don't just breaze though over time adjust your weight amounts up as you get stronger

no pain no gain m8

for arms
Monday & Friday

Squats 3 sets 8 to 12 reps
Bench press 3 sets 6 to 10 reps
Chins 3 sets 8 to 12 reps
Seated dumbbell press 2 sets 8 to 12 reps
Standing calf raises 2 sets 12 to 20 reps

Wednesday Arm Specialization

Standing Barbell Curls 5 sets 5 to 8 reps
Lying EZ bar Tricep Extension 5 sets 6 to 8 reps

Friday Arm Specialization

Scott Dumbbell or Barbell Curls 3 sets 8 to 12 reps
Overhead Pulley Tricep Extension 3 sets 8 to 12 reps

and eat more , and more often
Meat 1/4 lb
3 eggs
2 slices wheat toast
Milk or protein drink

Cottage cheese 1/4 lb
Milk or protein drink

Tuna Sandwich (6 oz tuna)
Cottage cheese 1/4 lb
Milk or protein drink

Cheese sandwich 2 oz cheese
Milk or protein drink

Chicken 8 oz
Baked potato
Cooked vegetable
Milk or protein drink

2 eggs hardboiled
Milk or protein drink

for abs you could do
Do Crunches!.
Do Sit Ups!.
Do Leg Lifts!.

Do Jackknife Sit Ups
Do V-ups!.
Static Hold and Side Statics
Train Your Oblique Muscles

the best one is the bicycle maneuver

and for your chest
Push ups!. This often neglected exercise allows for a great pump, pumping nutrients to the muscles!. Have your hands about shoulder width apart!. When you first start to do push ups they tend to be hard but, when you keep on doing them, they will be easy!. Push ups also work your triceps and shoulders (deltoids)
Bench press!. Bench press is the most popular chest building exercise of all time!. Remember to lower the bar all the way to your chest!. Bench press also works out your triceps and shoulders (deltoids)
Incline bench press!. same as bench press, only it focuses more on your upper pecs!.
Decline Bench Press!. Same as bench press, only it focuses more on your lower pecs!. Most people don't perform this exercise but it is essential in obtaining a full and rounded chest!.
Flies!. this will not dramatically increase your strength, but shapes your pecs in a great way!. It is also a great stretch for your pecs!.

Try the Fat X workouts!. The videos are free online athttp://www!.FatX101!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

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