Caffeine pills info please 10 pts?!

Question: Caffeine pills info please 10 pts!?
alright could i buy them at GNC or another type of supplement place!?
how much are they and how many come in a bottle!?
how do they affect the body!?
do they affect performance in sports and what not!?
do you have to be a certain age to buy them!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Caffeine pills are not regulated!. Anyone of any age can buy them!. It is up to the business whether they want to sell them to a minor, but there is no legal penalty for doing so, other than a lawsuit by the parents if something happens to the minor!.

You can get caffeine pills at GNC, Vitamin World, The Vitamin Shoppe, Wal-Mart, and other retailer that sells weight loss supplements!. The amount per bottle depends on the product!. They can contain anywhere from 30-120 pills!. I am sure that Sam's Wholesale probably has a larger amount!.

As for effects, like for increased heart rate, increased urination, heightened sense of awareness, faster reflexes, jitteryness, clammy hands, upset stomach, dizziness, increased risk for headaches, dry mouth, better breathing, and increased amount of gas!.

As for effects on performance, you will be able to run somewhat faster, you will feel more alert and more agile!. You will need more water!. You will sweat more!. You might fart more or have gastrointestinal pains!. You will have trouble explaining things because your patience will be decreased due to your body working faster!. You will have a better mood!. After you come down, you will be tired, thirsty, maybe have a headache!. You will also not be bale to think clearly and might be hungry!.

Caffeine is addictive!. The cons far outweigh the pros for anyone thinking of relying on them for a long time!. They should only be taken by someone that is having a lot of trouble waking up or getting motivated!. That is after other avenues have been exhausted such as adequate sleep, influx of complex carbohydrates, and increase in hydration!. Www@Answer-Health@Com



Everything ou could ever want to know is in these links!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Caffeine is not good for your health, so I don't know why you'd want them!. It's just a pick-me-up!.

Just in case you do get them (which you probably have to be 18 perhaps w/ ID to buy), here's how to use them safely: www!.ehow!.com/how_8210_caffeine-pills-saf!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not good for healthWww@Answer-Health@Com

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