Can someone help me counter this impending caffeine crash?!

Question: Can someone help me counter this impending caffeine crash!?
What I've had today: Three suckers, a pack of gum(the trident white kind), one Juiced Monster and another regular monster, 5 coke zeros, 1 menthol cigarette(no it's not caffeine but I'm listing everything), and 2 bottles of mountain dew, but I haven't slept a wink since last night and last night I had all kinds of junk food(salt & vinegar chips, cupcakes, Reese's cups, M&M's, m&ms peanut, and another three coke zeros!.

Now all this has been going on for the past 24-36 hours and I feel absolutely exhausted but yet alert, awake, and almost in a Trance like state, as if I just hit X or something(minus the hornyness)

Now that you know all that has happened please help me!. What can I do!? Is there something I should eat to balance it out!? Should I drink tons of water to flush it all out!? What!? I can't sleep!. And I really don't want to, I just want to feel less drained!. Maybe more caffeine!?

P!.S!. No it wasn't a "binge purge" night, I just got a little carried away, You do that when you're high on rave vibes(you ravers know what I'm talking about), but right now I feel horrible and have slept like 2 hours out of 36!.


relax, put on some relaxing music!.!.!.drink some water or sip on some decaf tea!.!.!.now force yourself to ingest a piece of fruit and some veggies such as peas (my fav) and you will start feeling better!. ya junk food can make ya feel like ****!.

ahhh how i miss those rave days ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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