How did you lose your weight?!

Question: How did you lose your weight!?
how did you lose your weight!? just looking for a little inspiration!. thanks for any answers :) Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had tried everything, Jenny Craig to Cabbage soup diet and I found that the good old fashioned way is the best and it stays off!. The safest and smartest way to loose weight is to eat right and exercise!. Write down what you eat and exercise atleast an 1 hour a day 3 to 4 times a week!. You should loose 2 to 4lbs a week!. Fad diets do not work!. They are not healthy and you will end gaining it all back!. I also did the FIRM exercise Dvds!. Check out my web site www!.familymatters2me!.net and you will find all kinds of free info on how to eat right and exercise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I just decreased calories slightly and committed to a walking regimen!. I did not cut out my favorite foods, but ate them in moderation!. I lost weight slowly, but it was an easy diet to follow so I could stick to it!. I set a monthly goal of 3 pounds a month, and I achieved it each month!. In terms of beverages, I switched to water and seltzer after lunch!. I ate a regular breakfast and lunch!. I allowed myself any food I wanted for breakfast and lunch including subs and pizza!. I ate a diet dinner and a fruit for a snack!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was 245lbs!. in May of last year, then I decided that I was tired of being "fat" and started to excersise,and before I knew it I had lost 10 lbs!. Then I just adjusted my diet and had less red meat and ate more veggies!. I also ate a lot of Salmon and that helped to reduce my cholesterol level!. After every meal I walked for 20 min!. and I just lost more until I was down to 206lbs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Used to have a pretty messed up method of weight loss!. Would starve for a while, no longer be able to take it, eat tons and then the cycle would begin all over again!. This was until I actually listened to what everyone had been saying all along!! - Eat healthy food and portions and exercise!. Simple as :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

got pregnant!.
not the answer your looking for I'm sure but with morning sickness I lost 15 lbs!.
Now at 5 1/2 months I haven't gained anything!.
Also, now that I am pregnant I try to eat healthier and I walk everyday to stay healthy and now gain unnecessary weight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First was a little bit of drugs!.!.!. But that turned into different problems!.

I lost ALL the weight i wanted to swimming for two hours a day for 6 months straight!. Went from 180 to 130!.!.!. since then I have continued to work out and I am back up to 170, but I have muscle mass instead!.

Swimming is really good for your heart and muscles, but bad on your ligiments and joints!. Cardio is obviously good for burning fat!.!. but get large muscle groups involved to!.!.!. they need more energy to burn so they pull out more stored fat (for energy) than the small muscles!. Swimming works almost all your muscles!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i lost 40lbs once by these three things:

proper combination of macronutrients (carbs/protein/fast)
proper cardio progressions
proper weight lifting (to maintain existing muscle)

all 3 are necessary tools to achieve your best results!.

good luck!



regular walking,vegetarian food,small amount of nuts and dry fruits,amla,3liters of water per day!. I am following this for correct weight and health lifeWww@Answer-Health@Com

I stopped eating refined carbohydrates and sugar!. Also, cut all my portions in half!. And I have a smoothie as one meal a day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have tried everything and in the end I found the magic trick: eat less, healthy and varied and move more!. It works!Www@Answer-Health@Com

weight watchers 3 stone off baby fat gone in a year :)!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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