BMI confusion - please help?!?!?!

Question: BMI confusion - please help!?!!?!!?
a woman with a bmi of 19 who stands 5'6 tall weighs around 54kg / 117lbs = kind of normal, a bit on the slim side

a man with the same bmi at the same height = he would look very thin!

my question is = BMI different for men and women!?

and if so, what is the actual difference!?

any websites out there that can explain this


Ideal weight range for a person of 5'6'' is between 124 and 148 pounds [ 20 to 24 BMI ]!.
There is a range there!.
I think a girl OR guy of this height would look skinny at 117 pounds! I looked scrawny at 5'4'' and 110 pounds!!
If you are very fine boned, or very muscular, you should use a different method of determining ideal weight!. [ look up body fat calculator ]!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

BMI is the same for both men and women!.

Remember that most women are slightly curvy, even when they're slim!. They have breasts, and are usually much slimmer at the waist than a man would be!. So a man your height and weight would not look as thin as you imagine!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

BMI is a load of crap - that's my professional opinion!.

It was designed in the 19th Century!. The information gathered was all from London - the population was generally pretty malnourished and all of white European descent!. The average height of a man was about 5' 3"!.

To confound matters, the formula used to calculate BMI is based on the square of your height and weight!. This would be more appropriate if we were 2 dimensional!.

The original information and subsequent charts have only been updated once - in the 1950s - just after WW2 when another underfed population of white Europeans with a propensity for rickets were the subjects used to gather data!.

No research was done at the time - and little of worth since - that suggests there is a relationship between height, weight and healthy body fat proportions!. That is to say, weight is not a great indication of healthy bodyfat proportions!.

Research has since shown that:
1) Bodyfat, not weight is a better indication of health/ fitness

2) The further from average height an individual is, the more inacurate BMI will be in guaging a suitable weight for a person

3) Ethnic differences exist!. Afro-Caribeans tend to be more muscular and have higher bone density, whereas Asians tend to be more lithe!. Those of Nordic or Eskimo descent carry greater amounts of bodyfat with less propensity to adverse effect than other groups

4) Muscle has twice the density of fat!. Therefore, more heavily muscled individuals will have a higher weight and BMI than somebody carrying the same area of fat tissue!.

5) Women carry about a third more fat than men!.

To illustrate the stupidity of the BMI system:

When filming Troy, Brad Pitt would have been classed as "very overweight"!.

When winning the Rugby Union World Cup, Jonny Wilkinson would have been classed as "very overweight"!. Martin Johnson and Lawrence Dallaglio would have been classed as "obese"!.

Every heavyweight boxing champion of the world would have been classed as obese!.

Maurice Green would have been classed as "overweight" when he won the olympic 100m!.

Jean-Claude van Damme and Shaquille O'neil would be classed as morbidly obese!.

As I said!. Crap!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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