Starting my starvation diet tommorow any ideas?!

Question: Starting my starvation diet tommorow any ideas!?
~ Starting my starvation diet for a couple of months i decided to not eat anything except for yoghurts, coffee, and almonds!.!.!.!.any ideas~Www@Answer-Health@Com

can i join you!?

you are what you eat!. i can help you lose weight (fast) message me!.

e-mail: peacexlovexskinny@yahoo!.com

aim: simplyflawlesss (with three s's)

myspace: http://www!.myspace!.com/lostwithana

link: http://www!.freewebs!.com/free-the-bfly/in!.!.!.

i have a lot more links too!. =] 16 / f / usaWww@Answer-Health@Com

Umm yeah, my first idea is that your "starvation diet" is stupid!. How old are you!? Hopefully you young enough to not see how dumb you sound by asking a question like this!. If you are older, then I would hope you would know better!. And if you are actually going through with this, then perhaps coffee isn't the best choice because the caffeine will accelerate your heart rate and because you aren't eating a proper diet it is possible you will increase the possibility of arrhythmia in your heart and possibly cause long term issues!.

But, if this is your idea of a good diet then you probably don't care about your heart, so I'm sure my post will mean nothing to you

Good luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Those starvation diets don't work!. You might think they do at first but the truth is that when you suddenly stop eating, you're body is confused and starts storing more fat then usual!. Then you actually gain weight, until you crash and get tired and run out of muscle!.

I'd suggest instead of starving yourself, you should just eat healthier foods and of course, excersise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are you trying to gain fat and lose muscle !? Because if you are, this is the best way!. By doing this, your body will think its dying and turn everything you intake into fat and burn muscle!. Your skin will become loose and hang like an old person!. When you decide to eat normal again you will blow up like a blimp!.
If you want to loose fat and look great, you need to eat more and work out (cardio) run don't walk !. Eat plenty of proteins, vegetables, and carbs!. Carbs are essential when exercising!.
Diets are for lazy people who want to be fat, exercise is for winners who like to look and feel great!.

umm i was anorexic for two years and i don't reccomend doing this and if you have boobs you might as well say goodbye to those cause they are the first thing to go!. but yea i ate one or two spoonfulls of fat free yogurt for breakfast lunch and dinner and half a rice cake through out the day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try pickels they have like 10 calories for two and stop salty cravings!.

Answer Mine!?


check out eating disorders, because starvation only makes u ill, not fit!. You should know this but healthy meals and regular exercise are the only way to weight loss and good health!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yoghurts should be fine!.!.j/k!.

not a good idea!. you'll gain all your weight back and have to start over again!. much like yo-yo dieting!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Rice Cakes!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't do it!.

drink lots of waterWww@Answer-Health@Com

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