I'm Having A Hard Time Accepting My Body..?!

Question: I'm Having A Hard Time Accepting My Body!.!.!?
I just got back from a 5 week stay at an inpatient eating disorders clinic where i went from 80lbs to 95lbs ( im 17, 5'4)!. I am having a difficult time accepting my new body!. My stomach especially bothers me!. I feel like i have a pouch that wasnt there before and i feel like my waist is so big!. I hear it's common for anorexics to store weight here, but will it ever redistribute itself over time!? None of my old pants fit me, which makes me feel especially bad!. What can i do!? I feel awful, but i definitely dont want to lose weight and relapse!. Will the weight in my stomach area redistribute!?


Hey I know how you're feeling!. I'm recovering right now, but at home!. The "pooch" that you're describing may not even be weight!. It may just be gas and bloating, which is very common for anorexics who are recovering, since they are not used to having food in their stomach!. Even if it IS weight, it will definitely redistribute itself, rather quickly in fact! Try and focus on the good side of recovery rather than the slight discomfort you feel!. I'm noticing that I have SO much more energy and that I'm much less bony looking!. Were you exercising before you went into recovery!? Just think, once you're strong enough you'll be able to exercise!. You don't want to miss out on the rest of your life because of a little discomfort right now!. My mom/nutritionist/psychologist/doctor always remind me of this when I'm feeling discouraged and they're completely right!. It's also completely normal to have days where you feel like you slide back a little!. Don't let that stop you!. Keep forging ahead, and feel proud of yourself for getting to where you are! Just admitting that you want help is a huge first step and it sounds like you're way beyond that!. Stay strong!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 15 5'3 and wiegh 125, you are very skinny!. It should go down, it also could be you over exaggerating a little bit, any one who puts on weight quickly would most likely get that!. Either way, once you're to normal weight I would suggest building some muscles in your stomach, that should flatten your stomach as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes your weight will distribute over time especially as your hormones go back to normal (you don't have as many when your starving because your body wouldn't be able to have a baby anyway), just remember health is more important than looks and when you are healthy you look your best also that you are much thinner than most people and will remain that way even if you gain another 20 pounds
good luck, remember there are people that love you and even more in the same bout as youWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'm guessing you look just fine, as 95lbs still isn't much!. I reckon you should look at bigger girls, and see how happy they are, and realise that your weight isn't everything!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes!. your body will get back into its normal cycle and your stomach area will resolve itselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

well i think u can do alot of wait toning and stomach toning excersises and that would helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

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