Benefits of honey???????!

Question: Benefits of honey!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
what r they!? just wonderin cuz i been eatin lots of honey by the spoon latelyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Recently did a report on this!.!.!.

-It is rich in antioxidants, which kill free radicals (chemicals that contribute to diseases such as cancer, stroke, and arthritis)
-The sugar in honey is natural
-It has antibiotic properties
-Unlike many antibiotics, there are no bacterium resistant to honey
-It's sweetness makes it more pleasing to one's taste
-It has proven to be effective since the time of the ancient Egyptians

Manuka honey is currently showing the strongest antibiotic properties!. When typical honey is used to treat infections, the hydrogen peroxide in it becomes ineffective upon coming to contact with catalase, an enzyme found in bodily fluids, such as blood!.

However, Manuka honey remains strong in this situation!. Scientists are still working on finding out if there is a special ingredient in Manuka honey that gives it its special properties!. I would definitely recommend you use Manuka honey for treating common infections, as opposed to other types of honey!.

Consult your doctor before using honey for treatment, of course!. Remember, don't just have too much honey, honey is 30% glucose, natural or not, too much sugar intake isn't good!.

Manuka Honey:

Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

The benefits of honey are extremely limited!. Besides the presence of antioxidants, there are essentially no good qualities!. It's basically sugar!. Sugar is bad for you!. Plus the type of sugar that honey has is fructose, which goes straight to the liver, increasing the chances that you'll have insulin spillover which can lead to fat gain!. Fructose is also the type of sugar that is in fruits, and everybody should know that fruits are beneficial because they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins!. We don't eat it because the sweetness is healthy!. Fruits are basically the junk foods of nature, but unlike the fatty sugary junk foods that humans make, fruits actually have some benefits!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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