Wat food 2 cut out 2 loose weight?!

Question: Wat food 2 cut out 2 loose weight!?
for a workable diet -
here is what my dietician suggests - follow a practical diet!. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad!. this fills u up!. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb!. potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category!. 25 per cent protein!.this will prevent cravings too!.an occassional treat is OK!. have a snack every three hours!. fruit ,ideally berries, or soy nuts!. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs!. have a protein shake too, if you want!. it will fight the fat and give you extra energy to exercise!. switch from white rice and bread to brown!. eat 900gms of veggies a day!.Needless to say, NO soda, chips, cookies! Lose a kilo a week!. that is permanent loss!. pick an exercise regime you like!.
get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Soda! A friend of mine started drinking diet and lost a lot of weight!. Other than that depriving yourself will just make you crave what you 'can't' have - its about portions!. Don't eat more than 1 serving of junk!. Allow yourself things you really enjoy - if you like chocolate then have a few kisses instead of a whole candy bar!. Also, it is important to say that peoples bodies sometimes mistake dehydration for hunger!. In college I would drink a regular size bottle of water before every meal - now I drink much more!. Drinking before a meal (something with no calories, preferably water ) will help fill your stomach too, this way you do not overeat!. Instead of chips try air popped popcorn and always choose lighter cuts of meat instead of the ribeye maybe go for the n!.y!. strip with a salad with vinaigrette!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Junk foods, soft/pop drinks, processed foods, sugary foods, fried foods, sweets!.!. Just stick to vegetables, fruits, meats and any low-fat foods!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

food with high calories!. you can always check the nutritional status at the products package!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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