Is this weight loss unhealthy?!

Question: Is this weight loss unhealthy!?
I am 14, 5'5" and I weigh 131 lbs!.
I have been dieting, maybe a little too extreme!?
Last week I went from 138 lbs!. to 131 lbs!.
Is 7 lbs!. in a week an unhealthy loss for my size!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

it's actually unhealthy for anyone losing 7 lbs a week!. Also, you're still growing so I wouldn't try to cut back on too much or you might develop an eating disorder!. Not to mention, the fact that as you grow up even more, you'll change in more ways than one so keep your dieting as a lifestyle change to kind of stick with!. Or it might be just water weight or bloating!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello, it is an accepted fact that fad diets never work permanently!. I say that you have a look at http://snipurl!.com/3v9b6 [lose-inches_info] its a really informative place with tons of free tips and tricks!. I shed 5 pounds in four weeks by doing as they advised Www@Answer-Health@Com

EXTREMELY lose at a maxiumum of 2 pounds a week or your metabolisms will literally die!. you will have to keep your same diet for the rest of your life if you dont want to gain weight, or do a lot of exercise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you want to get an expert opinion on this subject than you should check out http://megacuts!.notlong!.com !. It has a lots of useful and knowledge on such subject!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's normal if you have been working out alot!.


yes!. you slow down your metabolism, youll end up getting all the weight back!. ):Www@Answer-Health@Com

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