Tips and tricks? No food after 7pm,diet soda, water....?!

Question: Tips and tricks!? No food after 7pm,diet soda, water!.!.!.!.!?
I am pulling together a set of tips or tricks for peoples diets!.!.aka healthy lifestyles

Such as

No eating after 7 pm
Diet soda instead of reg
Drink nothing but water!. (If you chose to give up soda completely)
Excersise while whatcing tv!.!.!.

things like thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'd say eliminate sodas all together as well!. I didn't believe that artificial sweeteners make you gain weight, but after I stopped drinking diet soda, I discovered that I simply was not hungry as often!. So I lost weight!.

I think the thing that I would add is to never, EVER skip breakfast!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would tell people NOT to drink diet soda!.

There have been recent studies that show that diet soda could actually result in people "gaining" weight!.

Apparently when the brain detects a sweet taste and doesn't get the high-calorie food that usually follows, the person's metabolism misfires!.

For nutrition, the person would be better drinking a glass of juice!.
For thirst, drink water - it helps to cleanse the body of toxins - 6-8 glasses a day is recommended and also helps in weight loss or weight gain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

One thing I think I should point out!. There is very little proof that diet soda helps you lost weight!. There are no calories, true, but the sugar substitute has some adverse health risks and it "sticks" inside of you, causing you to maintain weight even though your calorie intake is lower!.

I've been reading a new study about orange juice!. Apparently, something in it actually causes lipids(fats) to isolate themselves from muscle tissue, which makes it easier to burn away Overtime!. Plus orange juice is a great part of a diet anyway!.

Instead of not eating after 7pm, you should eat 5-6 small meals whil;e not increasing your calorie intake, and some even recommend eating 100-150 calories right before bed as your last meal!. this keeps your metabolism running constantly all day which burns more calories overall!. Those are my tips!. I've seen noticeable results using these and more, but I can't say what impact they will have on you!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat foods that contain a lot of fiber!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat protein with every meal, eat 6 small meals a day, chew gum, strength train, Www@Answer-Health@Com

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