How to cleanse or detox my body?!

Question: How to cleanse or detox my body!?
im a teen and i want an easy and cheap way to cleanse or detox my body!. how do i go about doing this!?


I am 20 and i also thought that this idea was brilliant, however it is the same as someone who never runs going for a 20kilometer run once a year (it jsut stuffs up your body more)!. The best detox is to start eating healthy food gradually!. The whole idea of detox is dangerous as you are shocking your body from what it is used to!. This will casue obvious side effects!.

I would suggest try eating healthier, drink at leat 3 litres of water a day, and exercise more!. Thats the best detox, no quick fixWww@Answer-Health@Com

drink 1 litre of mint tea every day

use natural mint leaves, it speeds up your metabolism so you burn fat faster and is great for your skin

it leaves you feeling refreshed and cool and it tastes better than most teas

it is great for your teeth tooWww@Answer-Health@Com

Detoxing is a scam!. It is merely a placebo effect!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat a bowl of bran flakes every morning for at least 10 days and also drink water with that or else you will get constipated

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