Does this sound "normal" to you guys/gals?!

Question: Does this sound "normal" to you guys/gals!?
I usually have high self-esteem and am really confident about myself; however there are times when I feel like an outcast because of my weight!.

I am 5'1 and a half!. I weigh anywhere from 105-110!. I have a small frame build with my measurements being 33-25-35!. I'm a size 32 C/D!. I wear a size 2/4 in women's petite, 3/5 in juniors!. Does this sound "aneroxic" to you folks!?

It annoys me when people refer to me as a "toothpick"!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Anorexics don't have weights above double digits, so as long as you are comfortably over the 100 mark, at your height, you are slim but not anorexic!.
When people call you toothpick, just give them a sassy smile and ask if that's a plain or flavored toothpick!? Don't let it bug you!. Probably most of them wish they were as neatly packaged as you are!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you are a C cup!. You are NOT anerexic!. you sound normalWww@Answer-Health@Com

Thin, but healthy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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