Good workout plan..looking for other opinions?!

Question: Good workout plan!.!.looking for other opinions!?
day 1: Chest triceps traps
day 2 : shoulders forearms abs
day 3 : back biceps
day 4 : chest legs abs
day 5 : shoulders triceps traps
day 6 : rest or abs
day 7 : back biceps
im eating 200g protein at least and 180-230carbs a day and fat i dont really count but it's not over 45g i weigh 137lbs and am looking to lean out and build muscle good!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

That plan really beats up your poor triceps!. Try:
Chest, Triceps, and shoulders!.
Back & Biceps
Legs and Abs
resting a day between each!.

Better yet, Week 1 do Upper body, Aerobics, Lower Body, Aerobics, Upper Body, Aerobics
Week 2 do Lower Body, Aerobics, Upper Body, Aerobics, Lower Body Aerobics!.

Then repeat!. This gives your body time to recuperate and build!. At 15, don't lift too heavy either!. You could stunt your growth by overloading the bones with muscle!.

Pick up a copy of Body for Life by Bill Phillips!. And Ultra-Metabolism by Dr!. Mark Hyman!. Those will give you a firm foundation for a lifetime of health!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

At age 15 this is way too much lifting!. Try a 4 day split like day 1 chest and triceps, day 2 back and biceps, day 3 rest!. Then day 4 shoulders and traps, and Friday day 5 do legs and calves!. Then take day 6 and 7 off!. You can do abs as much as you want!. Also don't forget to do cardio 3 to 4 times a week!. Fitness is a long term commitment not a 6 month event!. Don't get too crazy with your routine so that you don't get burned out the first month and stop lifting!. GOOD LUCKWww@Answer-Health@Com

There are lots of workout plans the bodybuilding!.com workout database lets you select the variables you want like exercises periods per week, # times a body part per week and goals!. http://www!.bodybuilding!.com/fun/workout!.!.!.!.

You can also look in the bodybuilding!.com forum to see peoples work out routines and their progress/results!. Look under workout programs and workout journals!. You can also use the search tool in the upper right hand corner!.

i like your workout plan overall!.!.!. its good training!. but the only problem is 7 days of working out a week is not good!.!. u need atleast one day of rest from weight training!.!. if not even two!

but good overallWww@Answer-Health@Com

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