Did I Eat Healthy Today? HELPPPPPP Me Please!!!!?!

Question: Did I Eat Healthy Today!? HELPPPPPP Me Please!!!!!?
Hello! How Well Did I Eat Today!?
Breakfast: 2 cups Of Honey Bunches Of Oats with Strawberries (thats all i have) with 1/2 cup of milk (I didnt have skim milk) & I Drank Some O!.J (I Drank A Little Less Than 3/4 cup of orange juice; not alot !.
Lunch: 3 small meat rectangles my mom made
Dinner: 2 grilled cheese sandwhiches (ingrediants: 4 slices of whole grain toast w/ cheddar cheese!)
Snack: Salad with juice of half a lemon & 1 small garlic clove

Here Are My Questions I Want Answered Please:
- Did I Eat Healthy Today!?
- Did I Eat Enough
- Around How Much Calories Did I Eat Today!? (If you dont know say something like "you ate around 800-1000 calories" or something! Make A Range!

Answer ALL THREE of my questions in order please, and whoever does that is who Ill choose as "Best Answer!"

Be Honest Please!. Thank You!. Have A Great Day!! Bye!.
You ate pretty healthy, but you have to eat less carbs, and have protein in every meal!. for protein in breakfast, try a banana and peanut butter, and for dinner, maybe a sausage or something!. i would say you probably had 1,000-1,700 calories today!. did u do any exercise today!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi it is well publicised that diets are not worth the paper they're written on!. I say that you go on down to http://abe5!.com/6mp its an amazing site with some great free help and support!. I lost 10 pounds in six weeks by doing as they advised Www@Answer-Health@Com

1-yes, but you should add more veggies
2-no, add some fruit
2-1000 calWww@Answer-Health@Com

you ate healthy, but it was alot of carbs!. i think you ate 1500-2000 caloriesWww@Answer-Health@Com

You did eat pretty healthy today, but there are some details that are really important!. Like, what exactly were in meat rectangles!? And what kind of dressing did you use for the salad!? I would go to this website, type everything you ate in, and see exactly how many calories you ate


Lunch and dinner need to be revamped a little bit to stay away from saturated fat and high salt intake!. Instead eat a salad with either tuna or grilled lean chicken breast on top with low cal (25 cal) dressing!. The protein will fill you up and it will taste yummy! Then dinner can be baked salmon with lemon and dill with a side of wild rice and broccoli!. It doesnt have to be extravagant but just more balance!. You are on the right track though, just small changes and you will be right on!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

To eat healthy you need a balanced diet, fiber, veggies, fruits, proteins, you are growing so you need calcium, you need to figure out how many calories you should have per day and spread that out to include three meals and a couple of snacks, the meat triangles, only you would know what they are and the calories involved in them, you can go on the net you can figure out your Basic Metabolic Needs or BMI , age, activity, how many calories a day you need, then you subtract a couple of hundred calories from that a day to lose wt!., don't lose more than a pound or two a day or your body will go into starvation mode, thinking it is starving and lower your burn or metabolism and then it is real hard to lose wt!., the more active you are helps lots too!.Also on the net type in food calorie chart, lots of those and you can look up the calories in any food item!. Keep a daily food dietary of everything you eat!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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