How To Make Protein Shake Taste Better?!

Question: How To Make Protein Shake Taste Better!?
Hey, I'm building muscle mass, and it's nighttime here, so I just took a scoop of Optimum 100 percent Casein protein and mixed it with a cup of skim milk!.

When I drank it, it tasted horrible, it's so thick, and chalky!. Is there any way to make it taste better!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

have 1 banana 8oz milk 4oz yogurt 1-2scoops of protien powder i use 1!.5 and put it in the blender
or with vanilla protein powder i make a creamsicle
1!.5 scoops powder 8oz OJ 4oz vanilla yogurt and 1c strawberries
even choc powder yogurt milk and strawberries or rasberries w/e it all taste thicker like a milk shake and yummy i have these more than mixing with just milkWww@Answer-Health@Com

Add one cup of skim and another half cup of water!. It won't be so thick if you keep the blender speed down and add the powder a little at a time!.

You can add pumpkin pie spice and a little bit of vanilla and you will have a pumpkin pie tasting shake!.

Add some coconut extract and some mint extract for a yummy shake!.

You can add rum extract and some molly mcbutter sprinkles for a taffee kind of tasting shake!.

Add a scoop of cappucino mix for a cafe late shake!.



I put a banana in mine and a tablespoon of low fat yoghurt then run it through the blender!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yeah sure, Trying adding fruit into a blender with a little less milk!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please see my answer belowWww@Answer-Health@Com

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