How can i gain more muscle quickly ?!

Question: How can i gain more muscle quickly !?
i need to get a heck of alot stronger for baseball season but nothin seams to work!.!.!.please helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's hard to gain more than a pound of muscle per month even if you are doing everything right!. That being said, there are six components to successful weight training:

Progressive Overload
A Caloric Surplus
A Quality Weight Training Program
A Sufficient Overall Diet
Rest And Recovery
Consistency, Time And Tracking Progress

Read this article that explains it all and do what it says, then you will eventually see the results you want!.

steroids are fairly effective way of ensuring your growth but as a natural bodybuilder i wouldn't reccommend that route unless you know waht ya doing!.

you can gain up to !.5 of a pound of dry muscle weight a week which if you add the glycogen and water weight comes to 2 pounds of wet muscle a week!.

if you don't have access to weights then i suggest you get some because as soona s you can do your own body weight past 5 sest of 10 your muscles won't grow

but e-mail me and i'll help you out with nutrition and training if you want !. but also tell me how much free time you haveWww@Answer-Health@Com


Please try to answer><Www@Answer-Health@Com

In world of warcraft you can change into a muscleman really easy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Triple your caloric intake, get x2 your bodyweight in protein, and learn to do Olympic lifts!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if u wana loose weight at home without exercising
u can refer to this website
and u ll find tips and weight lose recipes to loose weight easilyWww@Answer-Health@Com

200 reps 10kg mornin then night
and train outdoor parkour
it works alot and quicklyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Work out!.!.!. lift weights, run alot, push ups, ANYTHING!. Don't do steroids its not worth it!.!.!. trust meWww@Answer-Health@Com


Dont take steroids, there are serious health risks!
Stick to the gym, trust meWww@Answer-Health@Com


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