Is this good for a diet?!

Question: Is this good for a diet!?
I'm 5'3 120, muscular and trying to be 110!.

breakfast: pb&j on wheat bread (small pieces) 350 cal!.

lunch- apple & peach (150 cal)

snack-yogurt (100 cal)

dinner-rice pilaf, fish, veggies (400 cal)

evening tea with crumpets-(100 cal)

dessert- frozen banana (100 cal)

snack-low fat popcorn (100 cal)

and I jog about 2-3 miles 6 days a week! And lift weight twice a week!.

i would use whole grain rice in the rice pilaf, or some kind of grainy rice, not white rice, not that it's so many calories but it's little nutrients just some vitamin B!.

i'd add more veggie to your lunch and some granola, nuts or grains!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I saw this product called Acai Berry on Oprah the other week!.!. Looked like all the other diet scams, but I went for it and ordered a 14-day free trial from this site!.!. And guess what, it really works!! I'm so happy I've already lost weight, gotten more energy and my stomach is flatter than ever!Www@Answer-Health@Com

is nice question!.!.!.!.

if you want read something about diet & loose weight
i just come accross this blog which may help you:-
i hope this free site below to help your problem and answer your question!.

more about weight loose:


more source:

i think it sounds pretty good!. but for breakfast i would say have yogurt and granola or low-fat cereal with skim milk instead of a pb&j!. also, you can eliminate dessert and evening tea!. those don't really sound necessary!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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