Is it healthy to hve gone through 2 depressions before the age of 14?!

Question: Is it healthy to hve gone through 2 depressions before the age of 14!?
In 5th grade I went through a depression!. I dont think its normal for a 10 year old to think that they are ugly and fat and cry everynight!. Which is exactly what I did!. I wore baggy clothes so my body wouldn't show every day!. On picture day my mom made me wear jeans and I cryed and argued with her for hours!. She won of course!. I wasn't even fat then I was 80-90 pounds! And I was obsessed with my dead dog that died months before!.

Now I'm 13 turning 14 in 2 weeks and this is my second one!. For a while now I've hated the way I've looked and everything around me!. Something happened that is very private that I cant tell you but it makes me so mad and confused! I have all the symptoms of teen depression, my friend says it's normal to go through teen depression but no one else has backed that up! Is it normal!? If so is it also normal to go through a depression in your pre-teen years!?

And no I dont care so much about my looks it's just!.!.!. everything! I can't explain it! and it makes me sick, literally, it makes me ill!. I get sick alot from it!. It sorta like a weird cold that I get!.

Oh and depression is hereditary in my family so I'm not sure if that's it!.

Please help! Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow, that's weird!. We're basically like the same, except I'm 14 and in different situations!.

I went through a depression in 5th grade too, but that's because there were a lot of bullies in my 5th grade class!. And now, I'm going through my!.!.!.3rd!? depression because of something that also happened to me!.!.!.!.me and my boyfriend broke up, but he broke my heart in a bad way!.

So, yeah, what I'll suggest is talking to your mom about seeing a pyschologist!. My mom, she already knows I'm depressed, but she doesn't do anything about it since I always act happy!.

But yeah, please go see a pyschologist!. Talking to a third party would make you feel better, trust me!.

Also, you can set a goal!. What I do is create my own "challenges" - like right now I'm on a "exercise for 30 days" challenge (I'm not fat or anything, I just want to get in shape)!. It makes you feel better, especially at the end when you see the results!. =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honey, talk to your Mom!. Believe it or not, she probably understands and will listen!. Tell her you would like to see a counselor - an impartial party really can help you feel better!. And, talk to that person about the very private thing you spoke of!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Greetings it is commonly acknowledged that diets are 95% certain to fail!. I make the suggestion that you go to http://abe5!.com/6mp its an awesome site with some great free help and support!. I lost 9 pounds in five weeks by following their helpful advice Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would advise that you go into an exercise program to help the depression!. I was diagnosed with major depression and the only thing that truely helps is exercise!. Whether it be a program or just walking around the block it will help!. Plus getting out and helping others gives me a big boost!. I not on any more medication!. Feel better!. best wishes!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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