What Do You Know About A Product Called HGH...?!

Question: What Do You Know About A Product Called HGH!.!.!.!?
I have been hearing that this is a miracle drug!.!.!.anti aging, reduction in body fat, smoother skin, etc!.!.!.
That it could help me to acheive the lean body that I have been working so hard to get, but being over 35 it has been hard to do!.
Now I am not afraid of hard work, but if there is something that it is out there that can help me to acheive it!.!.!.it's worth taking a look!.
I dont know much about it!.!.!.so I really look forward to hearing your honest opinions and especially experiences!.

Thanks in advance and PeaceWww@Answer-Health@Com

Human Growth Hormone!. It's widely marketed amongst athletes even though, like many products, it hasn't been shown to have any effect at all on athletic ability even though body composition changes (probably due to the fact that athletes already are conditioned to make as much use of HGH as is possible so any more doesn't make a difference!. Also, for women, it doesn't seem to work at all! And it has lots and lots of side effects!. Stay away from it because there's a reason it's illegal for use and not just because it's considered cheating!. Anything that says "may cause heart attack or type II diabetes" should be avoided like the plague!

Edit: Conscience ensures that I inform you I'm going from memory here but look up the side effects and only go by independent studies!.

Also, if you need any tips about weight loss then feel free to email as I tend to know quite a bit about it and can cut through a lot of the BS you get in the pop-health culture because I study biology!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HGH is the most powerful fat burning hormone that the human body produces!. GH releasers are pretty much a waste of money!. depending on where you live you may be able to find a Dr!. that specializes in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and get a legal prescription from him/her for GH but it will cost you!. the best free way to increase GH is to run sprints!. anytime you exercise at 100% maximum effort there is maximum release of GH and of the resting metabolic rate!. all you need to do is a proper warm up like a slow jog for 10 minutes then start the sprinting!. you would want to run a 100m sprint then walk a slow 100m which should take several minutes then repeat for 10 repetitions!. remember to stretch the legs thoroughly for 10-15 minutes after!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know that anything other than the injections given by a physician are just hype & useless!. The FDA only allows it's use on a limited basis, like kids who are low on HGH & not developing correctly!. It has a lot of side effects for those adults that believe it is youth in a bottle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


btw, the spay is supposedly useless, only the injections have some type of effect!.
none of this is FDA approvedWww@Answer-Health@Com

HGH is human growth hormone and it was originally an extract from human cadavers which was later synthesized!.
Originally, it was given to children who exhibited dwarfism or stunted growth due to a lack of this hormone being naturally produced by and in their bodies!.
Currently, the injectable variety of this synthetic has become the favorite of professional body builders and other athletes as well as a host of Hollywood "stars", such as Sylvester Stallone (whose supplements line must not work any too well or one would think he would use the same!.!.!.)and others who depend more on their looks rather than acting abilities and talents!.
The use of HGH has been seen to cause giantism, where certain bones begin to grow, such as those in the hands, feet, cheekbones and the like along with height and weight gain!.
HGH should only be administered by a physician and one who knows when and how to use the same!.
Currently, the supplement market is flooded with compounds that are supposed to cause a natural release of HGH!.
If one carefully readsd the literature associated with the "trials" of these products one can see how the statistics are being skewed so as to present a disorted and exaggerated view of their success!.
If these worked, most person in most commerical gyms throughout this nation and Europe would look like "Arnold" and, of course, they don't!.

As a former national level bodybuilder and competitive power lifter, this one can tell you from personal experience that it is better to save your money, learn to eat properly and to exercise effectively as we simply do not know what some of the compounds being sold will actually do in both the short and long term!.

Please, let me recommend the book, "Body for Life", by Bill Phillips, which offers an amazingly simply, easy to follow and effective nutritional plan (not a "diet") as well as a very effective exercise routine or design!.

To learn how to move with your natural body as well as a manner to promote health, flexibility and harmony, please consider either aikido or tai chi chuan!. Gi gong is another option in this direction!. (This ones personal choice is aikido due not only to the physical aspects but also due to the spiritual and philosophical aspects of the same as it was taught by the late O'Senei Morihei Ueshiba and has been maintained by some of his first generation of students who are still teaching today!.)

If you do choose to use some of the supplements available, please have blood work done prior, during and after the cycle so as to better ascertain if they actually worked for you are not!.

Knoweldge is power as muscles simply come and go!.!.!.

Be well, my friend and, please, be wise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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