Why did a Pilates DVD cause back pain 2 days later?!

Question: Why did a Pilates DVD cause back pain 2 days later!?
i just tried a pilates dvd and the next day i was ok but on the 2nd next day my back ached, cringed, and hurt!. did i do pilates wrong!? or do i need a dvd that includes a warm up!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you followed the dvd the right way, and it's not a stupid pilaties dvd (lol) then it's normal for that pain especially if it's your first time!. normal people (meaning those who aren't crazy flexible and in gymnastics like those gross people in gymnastics lol) have stiffer backs, and it gets stiffer as we grow older because our bones are harder!.
so pilates has alot to do with flexibility!. especially in the back as well!.
that might be it too
stretch it out and ice a bit!. should get back to normal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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