Tips when using free weights 10 points!!!?!

Question: Tips when using free weights 10 points!!!!?
I do 45 minutes on the elliptical machine and 200 sit ups 4 days a week!.
But I feel this is not enough, I really want to trim down!. Using 3-5 pound free weights can i get full body toning!?
If so any tips or recommendations of free weight training!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

3-5 lbs isn't going to do much depending on you level of fitness!. Regardless of any level you're starting at, It has to be challenging!. Exercise is a stimulus for the body to adapt to!. If the stimulus stays the same or isn't strong enough then your body will not change to accommodate it!.

You can start with light weights to help you get more comfortable with the exercise, but once you get the form down, you have to move up in weights!. Heavier weights equals bulky muscle is a myth!. It has more to do with your diet!. If you're not that experienced with freeweights, get a trainer or someone experienced to help you get started!. Freeweights is all about technique and you can easily injure yourself if you don't know what you're doing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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